In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • ABI break, new SDK, extras fork with PR1.2
    • Maemo 5 Extras repo reaches 3.5m downloads
  2. Applications
    • Great & fast google reader application:
  3. Development
    • Developing Qt desktop widgets on Maemo 5
  4. Community
    • MeeGo website & community meeting minutes
    • Shared sign-on between and using OpenID
  5. Devices
    • Using Unison to get automatic seamless syncing between N900 and iPhoto
    • Nokia's Explore and Share concept uses super fast, mystery wireless
  6. Maemo in the Wild
    • PUSH Nokia N900 MOD in the USA Finalists Announced
  7. Announcements
    • Official level pack 1 for Angry Birds now available and pulled again in Ovi Store

Front Page

ABI break, new SDK, extras fork with PR1.2

Maemo 5 PR1.2 will bring with it an ABI break between Qt 4.5 (in PR1.1) and Qt 4.6 (in PR1.2) that will require some fiddling to bring as seamless transition as possible to both users and developers. * Maemo 5 PR1.2 will ship with Extras enabled by default but will use distribution: fremantle-1.2

* 'older' devices will continue to fetch from distribution: fremantle

* Autobuilder will be updated when PR1.2 is released Discussion about the specifics is still underway, so interested contributors should make sure they're subscribed to the Maemo Developers mailing list.

Maemo 5 Extras repo reaches 3.5m downloads

The Maemo 5 Extras repository has reached 3.5 million downloads. We see the number of downloads grow every day. This makes the Extras repository a great place for developers to get their software in the hands of end users. If you are interested in publishing your software through, please visit the wiki. The Extras repository offers a robust distribution infrastructure for developers, which, considering Nokia's continued issues with the Ovi Store, is especially useful for both developers and users.


Great & fast google reader application:

Jan Dumonhas released his new application for accessing Google Reader, Grr. If you are looking for a Google Reader application for the N900, I recommend giving Grr by Jan Dumon a try, considering that it has just been released it is a little short on functionality such as starring a post, sharing it and so on but it works well if you are looking for a speedy way to simply browse your RSS feeds on the go. Grr is currently available from Extras-devel (usual warnings and disclaimers apply) testers and contributors are welcome.


Developing Qt desktop widgets on Maemo 5

Harald Fernengelhas posted an article outlining the steps needed to get started writing Qt-based desktop widgets for Maemo 5. One of the most frequently asked question after the Qt for Maemo 5 release was: 'How do I create a home screen widget with Qt?'. Well - the wait is over. :)


MeeGo website & community meeting minutes

The MeeGo web coordination meeting took place late last Wednesday. The agenda sought to prioritize services, and primary stakeholders and interested contributors for those services. Focus is being placed on Bugzilla, news and repository infrastructure. Individual teams will be coordinating on the MeeGo Community mailing lists, so interested contributors should make sure they're subscribed.

Shared sign-on between and using OpenID

Henri Bergius has announced that members can now use their accounts at We thought that it would be good to enable people to use their identities also on the MeeGo web services. The team has made as an OpenID provider. This means that all members can now use their accounts to sites that support OpenID simply by logging into and using "" as their OpenID provider on the site they want to login to.


Using Unison to get automatic seamless syncing between N900 and iPhoto

A new software setup, Unison, allows Mac users to synchronize their Maemo 5 devices with iPhoto automatically over the network while taking pictures. Setup is currently very non-trivial, but interested testers should read and follow the steps outlined in the blog post.

Nokia's Explore and Share concept uses super fast, mystery wireless

The Nokia Research Center has demoed a new wireless data transfer concept. The so-called, Explore and Share concept starts by placing an N900 onto a "writer" that's tethered to a PC at a retail store. At that point, the PC recognizes the handset and serves up a number of options to the purchaser. For the purposes of the demo, an unnamed Finn selects an album that downloads to the handset in less than 10 seconds. While an interesting demo, practical uses in a retail situation seem limited.

Maemo in the Wild

PUSH Nokia N900 MOD in the USA Finalists Announced

The results are in for the PUSH N900 MOD IN THE USA contest. Three finalists have been selected to incorporate the Nokia N900 into their mods. The three selected finalists are: 1. Niko the Robot pairs the Nokia N900 with Lego NXT building kit to create a robot that utilizes the Nokia N900 as its .brain.. It will understand commands sent via Twitter to a specific handle, send feedback about the area around it as well as post pictures from the Nokia N900.s camera. 2. The Pit Crew mod sets up the Nokia N900 to be the brains behind a slot car in order to compete against human competitors. Using Python code and algorithms, the Pit Crew thinks they can have a Nokia N900-controlled car beat a man-controlled car. 3. The Bike Dashboard set up utilizes several different features of the Nokia N900. From the GPS to the camera, the team behind Bike Dashboard, BrettSarahTops, think they can turn the Nokia N900 into a car-like dashboard. Showing a speedometer, odometer, mapping your route with GPS and even providing a car horn. The mods will be judged on the CTIA event at Las Vegas. The winner will get $10,000 in prizes.


Official level pack 1 for Angry Birds now available and pulled again in Ovi Store

Paid content has, apparently, been made available and pulled for a second time. Perhaps Nokia's solution of locking apt out of Ovi Store content for PR1.1.1 which "fixes" the hole in PR1.1 and earlier didn't work out so well. This editor is waiting with bated breath to see Nokia's next answer to protecting paid Ovi Store content on Maemo.