In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • Community OBS is live
    • MeeGo Conference wrap-up: blog posts & photos
    • Conference session videos uploaded
  2. Applications
    • CloudGPS walk-through
  3. Community
    • Survey of MeeGo community contributors
  4. Devices
    • KDE's Plasma Mobile UI running on MeeGo
  5. Announcements
    • m4riNa D4rk theme and iconset
    • AwOken iconset
    • Quick Widgets: run QML as Maemo desktop applets

Front Page

Community OBS is live

David Greaves and Niels Breet announced, in their "Community build system" session at the MeeGo Conference, that the community build system is now live. Similar to the combined Extras/Packages & auto-builder, one of the advantages it will give is the ability to have Ubuntu PPA-style personal repositories, replacing Extras-devel and reducing the risks of tracking the development of particular pieces of software.

OBS is a build system, originally developed by openSUSE, used by many systems, groups and companies, including the MeeGo project for the official releases. Compared with the "core" MeeGo build system, the community system serves several purposes: for building standalone applications to run on MeeGo; for building standalone applications to run on the Fremantle and Harmattan distributions; to collaborate on larger projects that are not in MeeGo core; eg ruby Currently, to use the system you need to have a username and contact lbt (say on IRC). David and Niels are working on importing Fremantle so that the autobuilder can be replaced by a less bespoke system; meaning more functionality and fewer issues. In tests so far, most of the existing Extras build without problem, which bodes well for a trouble-free transition.

MeeGo Conference wrap-up: blog posts & photos

For over five days this week, mobile enthusiasts, developers, bloggers, companies from gadget, Linux, Maemo, Moblin, Qt, MeeGo backgrounds descended on Dublin for the first MeeGo Conference; which replaced the Maemo Summit. With over 1,000 people in attendance; most news (like the giving of a Lenovo IdeaPad S10-t3 to every non-Intel/non-Nokia attendee, and the commitment from AMD to contribute to MeeGo) was quickly plastered all over the Internet.

Your editors, Andrew Flegg and Ryan Abel, were there (and actually met in person for the first time, in over four years of working together) as was the entirety of the recently elected Maemo Community Council (Andrew, Tim Samoff, Attila Csipa, Andrea Grandi, Kathy Smith). The Maemo community was very well-represented, with tens of "big names" such as Dave Neary, Henri Bergius, Andre Klapper, Reggie Suplido, Graham Cobb, Thomas Perl, Gary Birkett and many many more.

The MeeGo wiki is gathering together the thoughts of attendees who have written blog posts (with the message being, "feel free to add your own") and links to photo collections on Twitter and Picasa. The general feeling on the ground, and talking to people afterwards, was that this was exactly the right event to launch MeeGo into the world proper; and the announcement of another conference in San Francisco in May has people already looking forward to the next time the nascent community gets together.

Conference session videos uploaded

If you couldn't attend the MeeGo Conference, you can watch many of the sessions (especially from the first day), streamed over the Internet. More should be available of the next few days.


CloudGPS walk-through has posted a video, and a short user guide, showing off the features upcoming in a new version of CloudGPS, including accelerometer control in 3D mode; instant zoom; 3D buildings; 2D rotation & compass mode and GPS tracking with auto-rotation: One of the developers that we bumped into at Meego conference 2010 was Damian Waradzyn. He is currently working on a GPS application named CloudGPS. It is a complete rewrite of J2ME version to N900 using OpenGL ES for smooth operation. It is in its first alpha stages. Damian Waradzyn has already uploaded v0.3.10 to Extras-devel. Usual caveats apply, although brief usage of an earlier version by your editor suggests Damian should consider promoting it to Extras-testing relatively soon.


Survey of MeeGo community contributors

Students at the University of Tampere, Finland have put together a survey to gather a "profound and deep understanding" of the MeeGo contributing community, whether that be in-person, via code, in the forums or on the mailing lists. The survey takes only a few minutes of your time, but the information collected from it will possibly benefit the community for years. The survey will be repeated annually and all information will be treated anonymously. Results of the survey will be available to the community in the MeeGo Conference 2011. The raw data (anonymized) will be made available for others (inside this community) to use. Which MeeGo Conference (May or November) is not mentioned ;-). However, with the survey open until 21st December, we can hope to see the results soon enough.


KDE's Plasma Mobile UI running on MeeGo

The KDE project has a sub-project working on an advanced mobile user interface, using Qt and QML. After receiving their Lenovo IdeaPad's at the MeeGo Conference, a group of KDE hackers set about getting it running on the multi-touch capable tablet/netbook hybrid. Dan "Leinir" Turthra Jensen says it took about three days worth of work... 'tis pretty sweet stuff. I'm really impressed with the speed of development here. The video - posted by Artur Souza - shows some interesting UI concepts, such as pulling the bottom bar further up the screen to "tip" the display over to another desktop.


m4riNa D4rk theme and iconset

Talk user "D4rKlar" has posted a series of zips which replace existing icons with revamped versions: Many many thanks to wazd for the original Marina Theme, D-iivil for his constant help at every stage (pretty much since I joined the community!) Mankir for the calendars and all the originators of the original pre-modded icons, including Biggzy for his systeminfowidget and the original bookmark applet from which I based mine. Icons not made by myself are generally from the usual sources like DeviantART, iconsite myway and iconarchive. Overwriting files like this obviously has drawbacks (including the inability to uninstall properly) and given these are being distributed as random zip files on a forum, none of the normal QA has been applied. Broken themes can result in reboot-loops, which may require a reflash.

AwOken iconset

Continuing the "leet" spellings, "AIMehdi" has published a silver icon theme to be used with Theme Customizer. He says, It would not have been possible if it was not for the awesome open-source community. A special thanks goes to alecive87 that are the original author of this theme. You can visit home at deviantart to view his other work. A truly awesome dude! Also D-livil's tiredless awesomeness of community worker should be credited. He helped me pack and put it in the repos. The package, "awoken-icon-theme", is available in Extras-devel. Usual caveats about keeping -Devel enabled and upgrading arbitrary applications from there apply.

Quick Widgets: run QML as Maemo desktop applets

Malte Marquarding has released a Maemo home screen widget wrapper for Qt Quick (that is, QML) files to act as desktop widgets. He says, I am looking forward to people posting their useful widgets. QML is the strategic direction for Maemo, MeeGo and Symbian user interfaces; and can wrap up some fairly complex functionality themselves. The wrapper, in Extras-devel, has more than the usual caveats as - running as part of the desktop - it theoretically could put your device into a reboot loop.