In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • Long time community member Gary Birkett (lcuk) dies, aged 36
  2. Applications
    • QtLockScreen Configuration utility
  3. Development
    • Adapting an existing app to use Woodchuck
  4. Community
    • Stephen Gadsby (sjgadsby) nominated for Maemo Community Council
    • Robert Bauer (SD69) running for Maemo Community Council again
    • Momcilo Majic running for Maemo Community Council
    • Maemo Community Council nomination period closes and only three candidates standing
    • Maemo community governance referendum
  5. Devices
    • Qt Quick with a MetaWatch and an N950
    • CordiaTab facing difficulties in finding GPL compliant manufacturer
    • New ownership for MetaWatch
    • Using N9(50) LED for missed call and other notifications
    • N950 gets updated version of Harmattan
  6. In the Wild
    • Intel blames Nokia for MeeGo's delay in entering phone market
    • Qt open governance work results in new project & new levels of transparency for Qt
  7. Announcements
    • APT Woodchuck for smarter scheduling of Maemo update checking
    • GroundWork - a poor man's AirPlay/x11vnc for Harmattan

Front Page

Long time community member Gary Birkett (lcuk) dies, aged 36

The MWKN Staff is saddened to report on the passing of Gary Birkett (known to many as lcuk) earlier this week. Gary was a great friend to us and - as the outpouring of feelings and memories from the community attests - well known and well regarded within the community in general.

Gary was an enthusiastic developer who burst onto the Maemo scene around the time of the Amsterdam Summit; he made it his mission to create the fastest drawing on the N810 possible. Perhaps Gary's single biggest contribution to the community was onedotzero - a large-scale open collaboration/art project. Recently Gary was known for his MeeGo advocacy and MeeGo CE work. He is survived by his partner Tracy and three sons. Our thoughts are with them at this difficult time.


QtLockScreen Configuration utility

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

paolo iommarini has put together a configuration utility for the QtLockscreen (a more customizable lockscreen replacement for Fremantle), which allows users to set QtLockscreen's theme. QtLockscreenConfig is a little utility to set the QtLockscreen's active theme. As it's only available from Extras-devel, and requires installing a replacement for part of the base system to be useful, users should probably handle it with care.


Adapting an existing app to use Woodchuck

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Andrew Flegg

Neal Walfield's Woodchuck library allows more intelligent use of network resources. In a HOWTO he describes how to modify a program to use Woodchuck. The focus is on the Python interface, but it should be helpful to anyone who wants to modify an application to use Woodchuck. This document, unlike the detailed documentation, should be a bit easier to digest if you are just getting started with Woodchuck. If questions still remain, feel free to email me or ask for help on #woodchuck on


Stephen Gadsby (sjgadsby) nominated for Maemo Community Council

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Andrew Olmsted

Stephen Gadsby has been nominated for Community Council by Jeremiah Foster. Stephen is the current karma leader on (by over a thousand points) and has been handling the weekly bug jar reports for longer than anyone can remember. I haven't spoken with Stephen about this but I'd very much like it if he decided to serve on the Maemo Council. I think he would be an excellent representative of Maemo software users. He has a long history with the project, high karma, and is smart and reasonable. Stephen hadn't accepted the nomination when the period ended.

Robert Bauer (SD69) running for Maemo Community Council again

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Andrew Olmsted

RM Bauer has announced his running for a second term on the community council. I will nominate myself which makes three. As a current member of the Council, my actions and ideas for the community are well known so I won't repeat them now. Robert established himself as the community council chair over the past year, and anyone who has been following the community mailing list or the actions of the previous council will be largely familiar with his standpoints.

Momcilo Majic running for Maemo Community Council

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Andrew Olmsted

Momcilo Majic has been nominated for community council by RM Bauer I nominate Momcilo Majic (momcilo) for Maemo Community Council. He is a concerned and proactive member of the community, driven by events so far in 2011 to help maemo. Please support him as a council member. Momcilo has formally accepted the nomintaion on the mailing list making him a valid candidate.

Maemo Community Council nomination period closes and only three candidates standing

Via: @Jaffa2

As the nomination period closed, only three candidates were in the running: Jeremiah Foster, RM Bauer and Momcilo Majic. This, according to the election process, means these three candidates will become the next Community Council.

RM Bauer says this may be an important election and council term. There will be a referendum that authorizes future councils to change the governance structure of the maemo community.

Stephen Gadsby was nominated but did not accept.

Maemo community governance referendum

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Andrew Flegg

RM Bauer has provided more information on the referndum which will be held at the same time as the upcoming Community Council elections: The referendum does not require the next Council to change the governance structure of the community in any specific, or even any unspecified, way. It merely establishes that Council may change the governance to adapt to events which have occurred since the current governance was established several years ago. The most significant of these events is that, although Nokia presently provides the infrastructure, it is no longer directly involved in


Qt Quick with a MetaWatch and an N950

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Ryan Abel

Some of us received our MetaWatchs last week, notably Javier S. Pedro, who is already hard at work getting his to play nice with Qt Quick and Harmattan. It's showing the [spinning Qt logo] QML demo – which is actually being run on my N950, forwarding the results to the watch. Obviously, this is not going to be used for showing video :) But for ex. you could create reduced versions of your existing N950 QtQuick applications and show them on the watch, as widgets you can have on your wrist! In an IRC interview, Javier said of the work, "Now you have yet another form factor to recreate your QML interface for."

One of the big ideas behind the MetaWatch platform is the creation of an easily-accessible "fifth screen" to supplement your other mobile devices in situations when it's not possible or convenient to look at them. The ease of deployment of QML combined with the power of a Qt-based device results in a very interesting combination. Hopefully we'll see many interesting applications developed in the near future.

CordiaTab facing difficulties in finding GPL compliant manufacturer

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Andrew Olmsted

The developers of CordiaTab (the open source, open hardware tablet based on the Corida UI we discussed here previously) have run into some trouble sourcing hardware that will provide kernel source: So again we are back to the same situation than before. Either giving them a deposit or directly make an order to get the kernel. The best, (or less worst) I have so far is ordering 2000 pieces to get it. (320usd for 1Gb RAM and 16Gb SDD). I think that to give a deposit or somehow commit to some orders is necessary to get the kernel. This is an unfortunate situation for a project that strive to keep everything as open as possible. It seems some hardware vendors are not very concerned about the GPL, which makes it difficult for a start-up project to get cheap, capable, and open hardware. The latest update points to other manufacturers being contacted.

New ownership for MetaWatch

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Ryan Abel

Last week the MetaWatch assets were acquired from Fossil by a team of investors, led by former Nokia executive Juha Pinomaa and including Bill Geiser and David Rosales of Fossil's Watch Technology Division, forming Meta Watch Ltd. Meta Watch will be based in Dallas, TX. The company will also open an R&D center in Espoo, Finland to capitalize on the rich history of Finland-based innovation in wrist-top computing and mobile devices. Hopefully this spells good things for the long-term development of the platform. As it didn't really fit anywhere in Fossil's business makeup, it should be more focused, agile and likely to survive as an indepedent company.

Using N9(50) LED for missed call and other notifications

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Andrew Flegg

In a short video demonstration, Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh shows how his N950 flashes its sole, white, LED when he has a missed call. To use the binary package, he says you'll probably need --relaxed-exec, unseal.ko and

It's probably safe to say this is still at the "as long as you know what you're doing" stage; but is promising for a feature which Nokia would claim is met by the always-on AMOLED screen of the N9 - a statement which doesn't help those "unfortunate" enough to have an N950 instead.

N950 gets updated version of Harmattan

A newer image of MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan has been published for people with Nokia N950s. The new version, 1.2011.34-2 removes the "Developer Edition" branding and adds Ovi Store, Ovi Music, Twitter, Angry Birds, and the Wi-Fi Hotspot feature.

In the Wild

Intel blames Nokia for MeeGo's delay in entering phone market

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Andrew Flegg

Intel have publicly blamed Nokia for the delay in releasing Intel-based MeeGo phones. According to reports:

Intel’s CEO Paul Otellini blamed erstwhile partner Nokia for its current delay in bringing Intel powered smart phones to the world’s markets. Fielding questions from journalists in a Q&A session after his keynote, Otellini said Nokia’s desertion had only put a minor dent in Intel’s plans to crack the smart phone space, despite years of failure. “We finally got it right,” he told the assembled crowd, adding “We lost six months because of Nokia but we’re back up and running, so watch this space.”

It is unclear how changing Nokia's strategy following the launch of the ARM-based N9 would've delayed where Intel and MeeGo is now.

Qt open governance work results in new project & new levels of transparency for Qt

Via: @Jaffa2

The Qt Project has spun out of Nokia as an independent project, albeit with Nokia as the largest contributor and sponsor: The Qt governance, roadmap and releases will be driven openly by the Qt Project – open to all the stakeholders willing to contribute. It will have an open governance model based on equal access to all discussions and tools, an open contribution process and meritocratic assignment of roles. We want Qt to excel by all measurements as a transparent, merit-based and participative open source community project. We believe this is the key to speeding up development and increasing the adoption of Qt.


APT Woodchuck for smarter scheduling of Maemo update checking

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Andrew Olmsted

Neal Walfield has released a small utility application for Maemo called "APT Woodchuck" to replace Hildon Application Mananger's automatic update functionality:

On installation, APT Woodchuck disables HAM's automatic update feature and registers itself with Woodchuck. When Woodchuck decides APT Woodchuck should perform an update, it starts it (using DBus). APT Woodchuck then updates the package list (it uses HAM's apt-worker utility to ensure that all of HAM's usual update mechanisms are performed, including tickling the update widget, if necessary). APT Woodchuck also prefetches packages for which an update is available. The Woodchuck project "is a research project investigating how to improve data availability on mobile devices."

GroundWork - a poor man's AirPlay/x11vnc for Harmattan

Via: @Jaffa2

"kemargrant" has published the initial versions of "GroundWork" which lets you broadcast your screen over a wifi network. Although described as similar to Apple's AirPlay feature, it also sounds like x11vnc - a tool which lets you expose your existing X11 session over the VNC protocol.