In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • New MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan bug tracker for Nokia N9 and N950
  2. Applications
    • Is anyone maintaining Firefox for Maemo 5?
  3. Development
    • Review of operator-name-cbs-widget for Maemo 5 CSSU inclusion
    • Qt Quick best practices: using components
  4. Devices
    • Nokia N9 default font metrics to change in future update
  5. Announcements
    • Calenderr: daily updated Calendar app icon on Harmattan
    • DateEvent - shows your calendar entries on event screen

Front Page

New MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan bug tracker for Nokia N9 and N950

Nokia has, with efforts reaching back to Summer 2010, put together a bug tracker for Harmattan: We have now prepared a new Bugzilla instance for any Nokia N9 or N950 related bugs at This will help the N9 team ineract with the community and further improve the N9 software quality. We have cloned all open N9 bugs from the old Nokia Developer Bugzilla to the new Bugzilla. If you want to follow a currently open bug, add yourself in the CC field of the bug. As Neil MacLeod points out, there are a number of problems those of us familiar with the tracker will remember fondly, like self-signed certificates, default voting limits, and strange component selection. This new tracker is indicative of positive progress, though.


Is anyone maintaining Firefox for Maemo 5?

Via: @Jaffa2

Maemo was somewhat recently bumped down Mozilla's priority list of platforms, and support was significantly scalled down. Paul Harman asks, on maemo-users, since Mozilla stopped releasing Firefox for Maemo 5 after version 7, and has bumped Maemo down to Tier 3 platform status, has anyone in the community or at Nokia taken over maintaining a current Firefox for Maemo package?


Review of operator-name-cbs-widget for Maemo 5 CSSU inclusion

Via: @Jaffa2

Jonathan Wilson, developer of the operator-name-cbs-widget and libconnui-dev, is looking for help in reviewing the widget, its library and their packaging for potential inclussion in the CSSU: I have no idea what the requirements to get this into the repositories or into the CSSU are so I am hoping someone else can help me work through this and get it to the point where it can be added :) If you have experience with packaging and have the time to help review, consider doing so.

Qt Quick best practices: using components

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Andrew Flegg

Michael Hasselmann has posted another article in his "Qt Quick Best Practices" series on the Nokia N9 Developer blog. This time he deals with creating your own Components, and how they can help to keep your QML code clean and maintainable.


Nokia N9 default font metrics to change in future update

Via: @anidel

Editor: Andrew Olmsted

According to the Nokia Developer blog, the N9 (and presumably the N950, although it wasn't specifically mentioned) will be getting updated font metrics for the default Nokia Pure Text font. The most significant change is that by default, the text will take approximately 20% more space vertically, i.e. the height of the "bounding box" of text items will increase. [...] Whether this has any impact on your application, depends on how the UI layout has been built. In many cases, there is no impact or the change does not really matter. Developers should be aware of the upcoming change and plan accordingly. The changes in the screenshot in the blog post did look quite evident and it could make a big impact on application layout. It was not announced when the update would be available, but it sounds like it will come in a full system update.


Calenderr: daily updated Calendar app icon on Harmattan

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Andrew Olmsted

Thomas Perl has come up with a command to take advantage of the fact that Harmattan ships with 31 different calendar icons - one for each day of the month. With the script he has written each day the icon of the calendar application will show the current day of the month. There is no package for this right now, so you will need to enable developer mode and know your root password.

DateEvent - shows your calendar entries on event screen

Via: @MeeGoExperts

Editor: Andrew Olmsted

"emanymton" and "alphax2" have created an application to allow calendar events to be displayed in the event screen on Harmattan. There is a package file to install in the thread and the UI is pretty self-explanatory.