In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • Stable release of Community SSU OS updates for Maemo 5 and N900
  2. Applications
    • Nokia N9 gets copy and paste support in Terminal
  3. Development
    • Wiki for Python on MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan moves to
  4. Devices
    • Android Ice Cream Sandwich running on Nokia N900
  5. Announcements
    • ContactLaunch allows adding contacts to N9 application grid
    • Incredible Circus game for Nokia N9

Front Page

Stable release of Community SSU OS updates for Maemo 5 and N900

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Andrew Flegg

Christian Ratzenhofer has announced that the stable branch of the Community SSU for Maemo 5 has been created. He says the stable CSSU had been mentioned on the forums about 3 weeks ago, and I'm happy to announce that it's finally here! [...] We're trying to achieve an as close to stock Maemo experience as possible in terms of stability. The stable CSSU contains those packages from testing version 16.8 which were deemed stable. Basically nearly everything but modest/tinymail and the camera-ui replacement.

This is a big day for Maemo 5, where end users can now be encouraged to install a community-maintained version of Maemo. The "testing" branch will continue, and braver users can help everyone by using that and helping report bugs and assess packages' stability.


Nokia N9 gets copy and paste support in Terminal

Via: @MeeGoHelex

Editor: Andrew Olmsted

There is an update to the MeeGo Terminal program for users with the developer tools enabled on Harmattan. This update enables copy and paste with an on-screen icon to toggle between selection mode and scrolling mode. A most welcome addition for power users, and those finding problems with the limited browser.


Wiki for Python on MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan moves to

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

Willer Moreira has posted a heads up that the: Harmattan Python wiki was moved from to


Android Ice Cream Sandwich running on Nokia N900

Via: @MeeGoExperts

Editor: Ryan Abel

The NITDroid progress is making progress with the Android Ice Cream Sandwich release, jumperr announced last week that they now have Ice Cream Sandwich running on the N900. Check after the link for a video demo.


ContactLaunch allows adding contacts to N9 application grid

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Andrew Olmsted

Michael Demetriou released a utility, ContactLaunch, that allows Harmattan users to add your contacts to the N9 application grid, for quick access. Source will be soon available at github. There aren't many details available, but presumably the contact icon functions similar to a speed dial. The application is available to purchase through the Nokia Store.

Incredible Circus game for Nokia N9

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Andrew Olmsted

MoRpHeUz blogs about a new game available for the N9 called "Incredible Circus". InDT have released a game that I’m really proud that is called “Incredible Circus”. It’s the kind of game that is really addictive. In three weeks we achieved 200k downloads on Nokia Store and today is available for the N9. It’s also a really good showcase for Qt.

Your editor just installed the game today and it is fast, fluid, and fun. The graphics and style are excellent and the game play is very smooth. I haven't had a chance to play past the first few levels, but I have enjoyed what I have seen.