In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • Playing 720p videos on Nokia N900
  2. Development
    • Source code for Maemo 5's "certman" now available
    • Framebuffer-based recovery boot for N900
    • IP Address Widget for Harmattan
  3. Announcements
    • New, stable, version of "power" kernel for N900

Front Page

Playing 720p videos on Nokia N900

Editor: Andrew Olmsted

Ivaylo Dimitrov shares instructions on how to watch 720p videos on the N900. The instructions are not for the faint of heart, as they involve installing extra codecs, running the power kernel, and overclocking the device. Even then, not all 720p videos will be playable of course, n900 DSP is just not powerful enough for some profiles.

Care should be taken for anyone attempting this, the overclocking will void your warranty (such as it is).


Source code for Maemo 5's "certman" now available

Pali Rohár has got from Nokia source code of certman control panel applet. [...] I looked into source code and all is under GPL license, so I redistributing source code to Maemo community. Nokia have now officially released certman control panel applet, with the source of the last version on gitorious. See posts by Juhani Mäkelä.

Framebuffer-based recovery boot for N900

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

Pali Rohár has announced a new version of the N900 power kernel with framebuffer support: In new version of kernel-power is framebuffer support as external kernel modules. A lot of posts was in kernel-power thread how to use it. So this can be used for Recovery Console Mode. It is entry for bootmenu which start classic console mode on Nokia N900 with working HW keyboard. The package is in Extras-devel. Fortunately the presence of a framebuffer console will make potential hazards of the repository slightly less painful.

IP Address Widget for Harmattan

Via: @fiferboy

Editor: Andrew Olmsted

Thomas Perl has created a utility that allows an icon on the application list in Harmattan to dynamically update itself with the current IP address of the device. Based on my experiments with the Calendar Icon Hack, this takes the concept one step further and provides a "Widget" for your Harmattan (N950/N9) application screen that shows your current IP address(es). If you click on it, it will automatically update itself. There is a package to install linked in the article, and Thomas has some ideas for later versions.


New, stable, version of "power" kernel for N900

Editor: Andrew Olmsted

The kernel-power package for the N900 has been updated to version v49, announces Pali Rohár. The new version can be installed from the Extras-devel repository from command line or application mananger. Many bugfixes have been included in this release, and there is a new frequency scheme that will require custom profiles to need a bit of tweaking.