In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • A Technical Steering Group for Maemo 5 CSSU?
  2. Applications
    • QNeptunea Twitter client updated for Harmattan
    • Derivation calculator for N900
    • Nemo's new file manager
    • Puzzle Master now available for N9 too
  3. Development
    • Things to be aware of when preparing updates for Harmattan apps in Nokia Store
  4. Community
    • Supertesters - make & accept nominations
  5. In the Wild
    • Linux graphics system Wayland sees first real release
  6. Announcements
    • gPodder updates for N900 and N8x0

Front Page

A Technical Steering Group for Maemo 5 CSSU?

Via: @Jaffa2

RM Bauer, one of your Maemo Community Council repressentatives, is pitching a proposal to form a Technical Steering Group for the Freemantle Community SSU: I propose a TSG (Technical Steering Group) for CSSU - 3 community members meritocratically selected from within the project who will oversee initial decision making over such things as project management, release dates, features, architecture and roadmap. To the extent it means anything, Council can delegate some of its authority so that the TSG can hopefully address related administrative tasks directly and more quickly without Council intervening on its behalf.

Discussion seems to have gone quiet, which is disappointing for something so important.


QNeptunea Twitter client updated for Harmattan

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

A recently announced Twitter client for Harmattan, QNeptunea, has been updated to v0.0.11. It is Qt-based and powered by the twitter4qml backend. The new updated change log includes: Event feed and notification support, power consumption reduced, now support Profile image in full size. The latest build is available as a .deb on the project's Google Code page. As with all random-.deb-from-the-'net installs, users should handle it with care.

Derivation calculator for N900

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Andrew Olmsted

A new math program called Derivation is available in Extras for Maemo5 for all your derivative calculus needs. There are some other advanced mathematics available as well, so if you need some assistance with your calculations you should probably check it out.

Nemo's new file manager

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

Robin Burchell has posted some new screenshots of Nemo's new file manager on Talk: Just in case anyone is curious what Nemo's new file manager looks like... (NB, this is v0.0.4, the next release - v0.0.3 made it into this week's release) It looks quite spiffy, in this editor's opinion, and is certainly a welcome feature given our history with file management and Maemo.

Puzzle Master now available for N9 too

Timur Kristóf's Puzzle Master is fun on the N900, but is now available for Harmattan as well. The jigsaw puzzle game allows you to play with your own pictures that you take with the device camera or download from the web. Puzzle pieces snap together when you match them. Assemble them all! Multitouch to rotate the puzzle pieces the way you like. Drag and rotate more than one pieces at the same time.

Puzzle Master is available in the Nokia Store for £1.


Things to be aware of when preparing updates for Harmattan apps in Nokia Store

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Andrew Olmsted

Nokia Developer Blog has a short article with some things for developers to keep in mind when preparing their applications for the update to Harmattan 1.2 The upcoming MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan update (to version 1.2) features improved support for application updates. The updated platform software will detect and announce updates to applications that are distributed through the Nokia Store. Once you have tested your application with the new font metrics and other changes in 1.2 be sure to follow the guidelines listed in the acrticle to ensure a smooth transition when we see the next release.


Supertesters - make & accept nominations

Via: @Jaffa2

RM Bauer has also proposed an increase in the number of "supertesters" who can work the QA queue. After an extended period of quarantine, three supertester votes can carry a package through to Extras. Rob writes: We are in need of supertesters to promote packages on Extras. This is a crucial function which is currently suffering because the list of supertesters and promotion rules have not been updated in a long time. [...] We should have people who have a demonstrated interest in maemo and ability to test maemo packages. It is vital that supertesters are trusted members of the community. A single supertester will be able to promote someone else's (not their own) package.

Anyone can get involved in testing the Extras-testing queue without invitation or requiring permission. The supertesters are those who consistently are shown to make the "right" decision to help minimise the number of other people required in this crowdsourced activity.

In the Wild

Linux graphics system Wayland sees first real release

Via: @timsamoff

Wayland, the next-generation Linux graphics system designed to replace X11, has had its first real release: The Wayland library implements a protocol by means of which graphical applications can communicate with a compositor. The 0.85 release of the Weston reference compositor has also been released with Wayland; together, applications' graphics are rendered onto the display. Unlike X, Wayland provides no API for graphical primitives such as drawing lines, text and so forth. Instead, graphical applications – clients in the language of X and Wayland – use libraries such as Cairo or write directly via OpenGL. The popular Linux toolkits GTK and Qt already have Wayland support, in principle making it easy for GNOME and KDE applications to display using Wayland. Wayland was to be used in later versions of MeeGo to provide a cleaner architecture for single-user, one-display devices.


gPodder updates for N900 and N8x0

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

Thomas Perl brings us more gPodder goodness with the latest updates for Fremantle and Diablo: Good news for all gPodder users on the N800, N810 and N900 - you just got another gPodder update. Version 2.20.1 is just a bugfix release, but fixes some problems with YouTube feeds and other issues (see the release announcement for details). Jonas Kölker has also backported a patch from gPodder 3 to add support for YouTube playlists, so you can subscribe to these too, now. The update is already available from Diablo Extras and should be making its way through Fremantle Extras-Testing (so be sure to QA and vote!) for those of you with N900s.