In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • Jolla clarifies position on "developer mode" after misinterpretation of interview comments
    • Forbes editorial sees Jolla positioning as "the Ferrari of the smartphone world"
  2. Applications
    • TwimGo updated to 3.2
  3. Development
    • Fix long-term bug in Maemo Scratchbox environments
  4. Community
    • Minutes from Maemo Community Council meeting
  5. Devices
    • Firefox OS running on Nokia N9 with help from Nitdroid
  6. In the Wild
    • Jolla signs distribution agreement with Chinese retailer D.Phone

Front Page

Jolla clarifies position on "developer mode" after misinterpretation of interview comments

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Ryan Abel

A mistranslation of a Finnish interview of Jolla's CEO Jussi Hurmola resulted in a great deal of FUD last week, when comments about Jolla's market positioning were taken to mean that Jolla devices would be locked down, with customers unable to flash the device or replace the kernel. Most of the furor stemmed from a SlashGear report on the IBTimes article that extrapolated from the translated comments a bit farther than was likely justified, claiming that Jolla planned "to lock down its MeeGo phone." The original IBTimes article has since been updated with clarifications from a Jolla spokesperson: There were a couple of quotes from Jussi Hurmola about the product. I think they were translated from Finnish to English and misunderstood, or then the developer edition was left out. [...] We are however planning on creating a development version of the phone for open source community, those interested in Linux and open systems and for partners. [...] Jolla is going to release a developer edition of the device which gives full access to linux hackers and technology enthusiasts. Jolla will fully support the communities and be part of them, and wants them to be part of creating and developing our device. [...]

Based on discussions this editor has had with the kind folks over at #jollamobile on Freenode, readings of the various interviews and reports on Jolla, and simple consideration of the people involved in the company, an iOS scenario isn't likely to be something we need to worry about. The developer edition comments seem to point to something along the lines of what's available on the N950, and not that the consumer device will be bootloader locked into oblivion.

What it boils down to, though, is that Jolla has not made any official announcements about the hardware products they plan to bring to market or the Jolla OS that will run on them, and extrapolating any grand conclusions about what they will and will not do based on so little information is an unproductive (if interesting) game. Only facts can really clear the FUD.

Forbes editorial sees Jolla positioning as "the Ferrari of the smartphone world"

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Ryan Abel

An editorial in Forbes last week suggests that Jolla could carve out a niche, without having to have significant market share: As Ferrari show, it’s not always about volume, it’s about having something desirable and relatively unique. If your product brings in more money than it costs, and you can develop the next models with that surplus, then you have a sustainable business. With some decent strategy and a fair wind, I can see Jolla emerging as one of the leading ’boutique’ smartphone manufacturers in 2013.

The mobile device market is in need of some disruption, and Jolla is in a position to provide that disruption where Nokia failed. Given the small size of the company (relative to the typical cellular giants) financial success won't be as volume dependent as it would be for larger companies, but perceptions in the tech industry carry a lot of weight with a platform's viability, and the focus there tends to lean towards units shipped and "app" counts rather than innovation or quality. In this editor's opinion, both iOS and Android have grown very stale and the sort of product a light, agile company like Jolla can provide has the potential to resonate with a lot of consumers. Either way, with Firefox OS and BlackBerry 10 in the mix it should be interesting times ahead for the mobile world.


TwimGo updated to 3.2

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Ryan Abel

Tommi Laukkanen announced an update to the TwimGo Twitter client last week, bringing it to version 3.2: It has been several months since the previous TwimGo update. Now as I was having a summer vacation I had more spare time on my hands to work on this update. Latest news about Jolla also might have increased the motivation for Qt development as we may see next chapter in MeeGo book after all. Highlights include UI improvements, Read It Later support improvements, search saving, in-app instagram photo previews, and tweet translation. The latest .debs for MeeGo and Maemo are available from TwimGo's Nokia Project page.


Fix long-term bug in Maemo Scratchbox environments

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Andrew Flegg

pali has highlighted a bug which has been in the ARM targets of Scratchbox for ages. The problem is the environment contains *thumb* string in scratchbox shell variable DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS which cause that some applications will be compiled with thumb instructions. Thumb is unstable on default Maemo 5 for Nokia N900 and applications which are compiled with thumb-2 will crash without any reason. Details on the fix are in the email.


Minutes from Maemo Community Council meeting

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

The minutes of the latest Maemo Community Council minutes have been posted. Topics include: Review and progress with bylaws; Infrastructure discussion Discussion about the drafting of bylaws for a non-profit entity took center stage, revolving primarily around the approval of the bylaws, election of the first board, and various housekeeping tasks (like moving the bylaws to the wiki and summarizing the discussion from the mailing list into a council blog post). A request was made of Niels Breet to find out which services can be set up for community maintenance.

At the end of the meeting Piotr Jawidzyk announced his resignation from the Community Council.


Firefox OS running on Nokia N9 with help from Nitdroid

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Ryan Abel

Oleg Romashin posted a video of a Firefox OS nightly running on N9 on YouTube last week. The demo combines Nitdroid, which provided the HAL, and B2G (Boot2Gecko): Nitdroid provides Android HAL for N9, and B2G/FF OS actually ported already to android HAL. As result we have N9 running B2G, WLAN support, HSDPA, data connection, SMS, and simple phone calls without sound. WebGL, HW acceleration works not super fast but acceptable. Details of the process for building it on your own are available on github.

In the Wild

Jolla signs distribution agreement with Chinese retailer D.Phone

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Ryan Abel

Last week, Jolla announced they had signed a sales and distribution agreement with D.Phone: Jolla Ltd. [...] has signed a Sales and Distribution agreement with D.Phone Group, the largest mobile phones retail chain in China. Together the companies have a shared target to reach significant sales volumes in China’s 150 million smartphone market. The agreement is such that D.Phone will start sales and distribution of Jolla smartphones in China, utilising D.Phone’s vast network of over 2000 retail stores to reach the Chinese consumers.

Getting devices in front of (and into the hands of) consumers is going to be very important for Jolla, as they don't have brand recognition to bank on. China's mobile device market has already shown itself to be interested in MeeGo, as China Mobile's investment in MeeGo and the N9's performance in the Chinese market have indicated, so it will likely be an easier market for them to break into than the bastions of Android/iOS in North America and Europe.