In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • Hildon Foundation Board election results
    • Proposed "release candidate" for non-profit Hildon Foundation by-laws
  2. Development
    • Get involved in single public transport app to rule them all
  3. Community
    • A Hildon Foundation Board Rules of Engagement proposal
  4. Announcements
    • Android OpenGL ES game compatibility environment for Harmattan and Fremantle

Front Page

Hildon Foundation Board election results

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

The results of the inaugural Hildon Foundation Board election were released last week. The new 3-member board (which includes one of MWKN's own: Tim Samoff) will serve a one year term. Congratulations to your new Hildon Foundation Board!: Winners are Ivan Galvez Junquera (ivgalvez), Randall Arnold (Texrat), and Tim Samoff (timsamoff).

The election of the board marks the beginning of's transition to an independent entity from Nokia as funding for will come to a close at the end of the year. The new board will act as the governing body for the legal entity (Hildon Foundation) that will be taking over control of The new board members are in for a tough job. The staff of MWKN, being familiar with the sorts of challenges they're likely to face, wishes them good luck.

Proposed "release candidate" for non-profit Hildon Foundation by-laws

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

With's service contract coming to a close at the end of the year, Nokia's support of the community will end. In a response to this, a non-profit organization, the Hildon Foundation, is being formed to take over operation of and its services. The by-laws for the foundation have been undergoing a long process of writing and re-writing over the past two months, and Craig Woodward posted the latest revision to the proposed by-laws on Talk: Attached find the next (possibly last?) proposed revision of the bylaws. There are several small changes (capitalization, word changes, typo fixes), and one major change around what happens with elections when nominees die or withdraw their nomination. [...] Please review these and get comments in fast!

With the Hildon Foundation Board election results posted, the new board will likely be voting on the by-laws within the next week or two. Anyone interested in reviewing them before they're instated should do so as soon as possible.


Get involved in single public transport app to rule them all

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

A new public transportation application was announced by developer Sfiet Konstantin on last week: The goal of publictransportation is not to be yet another public transport app that will stack in your application folders. It tries to replace most (or all) of them, by providing an unified opensource lib and GUI for all the transportation systems. The developer is requesting assistance in implementing support for additional public transit systems. Links to the pre-release .deb and the gitorious page are available on the thread.


A Hildon Foundation Board Rules of Engagement proposal

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

Kicking off his term on the Hildon Foundation Board, Tim Samoff has sent a list of items to look into for the new board to the maemo-community mailing list. Included in the list are questions addressing a Hildon Foundation website, blog for the board, wiki pages, and interfacing with council meetings. Most interesting, though: While individual Board members are free to interact with the Maemo

Specific boundaries of responibility for the board and the council are important to ensuring both bodies operate efficiently in their given roles. The foundation occupies a much higher flight path than the council, and staying out of the daily minutiae is important to ensuring it stays focused on its mission.


Android OpenGL ES game compatibility environment for Harmattan and Fremantle

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

Last week Thomas Perl announced an a new Android apk compatibility environment (apkenv) for Harmattan and Fremantle: This project is a proof-of-concept on how applications targetting one platform can be made compatible with not so much effort as initially thought. The compatibility environment will run some Android applications packaged as .apk, due to licensing issues with those packages, specifics about where to acquire them will be left up to the user. The environment is available as a .deb from Thomas's website. Some dependencies may also need to be installed. Details are at the end of the link below.