In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • Open Letter from the Hildon Foundation Board
  2. Community
    • UK Qt meetup in Birmingham this evening

Front Page

Open Letter from the Hildon Foundation Board

Editor: Andrew Olmsted

The newly elected Hildon Foundation Board have published an open letter to the community about the direction they have started to take. At this point, the first Board meeting minutes have been published for public review. As we hope you'll see, it is nothing but the Maemo Community's best interests that we are concerned with. In fact, the entire reason for the Hildon Foundation to exist is so that the The encouraging opening continues into a bit of the history behind the community starting with the community council and describing where the Hildon Foundation Board fits into the picture. The board maintains its roots, stating it will conduct business in "an open source manner" both in the board-specific meetings and communication with the community.


UK Qt meetup in Birmingham this evening

A Qt community meetup took place in Bermingham, England. ...