In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • Jolla reveal strategy, UI and Qt Creator-based SDK at Slush 2012
    • Introducing your new Maemo Community Council and first meeting minutes
  2. Development
    • Open source flasher 0xFFFF updated to 0.6-beta1
    • Source code for apkenv released
  3. Community
    • Board Minutes for November 15th, 2012
  4. Devices
    • Procedure for reporting Harmattan security vulnerabilities?
    • New CSSU Testing release
  5. In the Wild
    • bergie covers Jolla at Slush 2012
  6. Announcements
    • Mae-Fi (Eye-Fi app) announced for Harmattan

Front Page

Jolla reveal strategy, UI and Qt Creator-based SDK at Slush 2012

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Jolla is once again foremost in the minds of many mobile OS enthusiasts and open-source aficionados with more information being revealed regarding their strategy and future. The launch of their official website and a slick video partway between a teaser and a product video give a definite sense of progress and should inspire confidence in everyone holding their breath for a product launch.

The developer story, as suspected, rests around Qt and QML with both Qt Mobility and QML being supported for native application development. Their Mer-based SailfishOS has a downloadable SDK available to anyone interested in compiling the Qt Creator-based offering (which your editor will be doing tonight).

The UI demonstration caught most of the attention, however. The impressive demo showed off a UX that will be familiar to any Harmattan user with swiping - described as "pushing" by the Jolla team - as the primary interaction theme with the device. The demoed UX showed swiping between multiple homescreens very similar to Harmattan, although oriented up/down instead of left/right and currently lacking a notifications screen. Of particular interest, the task switcher view features both reduced-information application previews (to provide information to the user while the application is not in the foreground), and the ability to interact with those applications using swipe gestures without having to bring the application into the foreground. The experience struck this editor as very fluid, intuitive, and fast. Jolla's implementation of swiping, much like Nokia's, seems a significantly more touch-appropriate interaction method than, what one blogger described as, "Apple and Google's gorilla-finger heavy approaches".

At least two of the demonstration videos available show Sailfish running on a Nokia N950. Although Jolla has no plans to release an image for the N9 and N950, it will be interesting to see what the community comes up with based on the available sources and SDK.

Introducing your new Maemo Community Council and first meeting minutes

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

The new Maemo Community Council introduced itself on the council blog last week with the minutes from their first council meeting: First, greetings to everyone from your new Council members. As you all already might know, on the council for this term are: Alexander Kozhevnikov, Ivan Galvez Junquera, Joerg Reisenweber, Michael Demetriou, and Niel Nielsen. We look forward to serving you for the duration of our term. We will also keep posting the minutes of every meeting we hold, just as the last council did. Please do not hesitate to contact either of us with problems and/or concerns, and we will do our best to address them. Also, remember that the IRC room where community council meetings take place is open and you can always drop in when we hold the meetings (18 UTC, in #meeting-maemo on the FreeNode IRC network).

Topics covered include the election of a chair (Alexander), a warranty issue with a coding competition winner's N950, infrastructure discussion, board-related updates, and various miscellaneous administrative tasks.


Open source flasher 0xFFFF updated to 0.6-beta1

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Pali Rohár released a new update to the open source Maemo flasher 0xFFFF last week. The update is of the re-write we covered a number of issues ago. The latest sources and binaries can be had in the Talk thread.

Source code for apkenv released

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

We previously covered Thomas Perl's release of apkenv, which allows native OpenGL ES Android apps to run on Maemo and MeeGo, now Thomas has released the source code: The compatibility layer for applications packed as .apk (that are running natively and use OpenGL ES) has seen its source code released yesterday. Supports Maemo 5 (Fremantle) and MeeGo 1.2 (Harmattan), which means your N900, N950 and N9 are covered. Documentation is provided in the source, and the wrapper generator scripts are also released. Looking forward to contributions and new modules from the community.


Board Minutes for November 15th, 2012

Via: @hildonfound

Editor: Ryan Abel

The Hildon Foundation Board posted the minutes from their most recent to the board's blog last week. Highlights include: Appoint administrators (or, if someone steps in), further infra, bank account and fundraising, Others agreed: no ads on, will investigate possibility of commercial "sponsors" (preferably OSS companies), foundation website/servers/hosting, some discussion about who should "own" or "hold" the domain name(s) and hosting, Tim will take care of gaining domain and setting up hosting/website in Foundation's name, site will point point to

The discussion also included a variety of NDA-restricted topics related to infrastructure.


Procedure for reporting Harmattan security vulnerabilities?

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

A user on the Nokia Developer forums has discovered a somewhat serious security vulnerability in Harmattan. Unfortunately with the closure of the Harmattan bug channels there is no obvious path to file reports for Harmattan security issues. If anyone has any suggestions for where to file security issues, please mention it in the thread. Hopefully there's still somebody assigned to security for Harmattan at Nokia.

New CSSU Testing release

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Andrew Olmsted

Christian Ratzenhofer announced a new CSSU testing release for your hildon device. The changelog is as follows: camera-ui: use maemo-invoker, use NOKIA_CAMERA_DIR and NOKIA_MMC_CAMERA_DIR; hildon-desktop: fixed #12052, #12584 and #12629; ke-recv: added configuration to autolaunch usb0 in pc-suite mode; obexd: Initial MAP support (no notifiactions no message push), fixed bug in Irmc; openssl: fixed -dbg package (removed debug symbols from main package); pulseaudio: added support for bluetooth AudioSource, added loopback module; rtcom-eventlogger-async: fixed dependency; and status-area-orientationlock-applet: Added dutch translation (by adekker)

In the Wild

Henri Bergius covers Jolla at Slush 2012

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Andrew Olmsted

Henri Bergius has in-depth coverage of Jolla from the recent Slush Conference in Helsinki. Unlike with the smartphone giants, relatively little has leaked out on what Jolla will show us today. What we know is that they are working on a new OS for smartphones based on Mer and Qt. During Slush they will show the user interface and the SDK, but there should be no hardware announcements yet. Henri covers the Jolla sessions, the UI, and has an interview with some team members which makes for a very informative read.


Mae-Fi (Eye-Fi app) announced for Harmattan

Via: @eipi2

Announced last week, Mae-Fi is a new application from Sanjeev Visvanatha that brings Eye-Fi (a WiFi-enabled SD card that can transfer files to remote servers and devices) support to Harmattan: I have been working on a new application for the Nokia N9 and N950, which I call "Mae-Fi". It is a simple Eye-Fi application written in Qt/QML, with a Python backend. [...]

The application requires an Eye-Fi X2 card with Ad-Hoc support. Mae-Fi should be available soon.