In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • Hildon Foundation open letter and Jolla's response
    • Back from holiday
  2. Applications
    • How to on setting up Tor for Harmattan
  3. Development
    • Developers of Qt apps have just today left to register for a BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha
    • Fremantle Community SSU needs Gtk+ developers
    • Problems with SSL certificate affects developers using Garage's version control
    • Former Harmattan engineers looking at helping with Jolla & Mer
  4. Community
    • migration issues
    • Community Coding Competition still attempting to track down two missing devices
    • Hildon Foundation Board minutes for meeting on December 19th, 2012
  5. Devices
    • Nemo Mobile status update and project restructuring
  6. Announcements
    • LINKer allows file shortcuts on Harmattan home view

Front Page

Hildon Foundation open letter and Jolla's response

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

Last week, the Hildon Foundation sent an open letter to Jolla requesting cooperation and financial assistance with We would welcome discussion about a relationship between our organizations… If anything, we would like to form a friendship. If Jolla would be willing to become a sponsor and aid us in promoting the open source software aspects of Jolla and Sailfish — or, possibly even foot the bill — we would offer valuable community support to Jolla. In fact, we see a huge possibility of the Hildon Foundation becoming a part of the Jolla ecosystem or Sailfish Alliance itself.

Jolla replied in comments, "We can talk on a regular basis and we can form a friendship. But talking and claiming friendship is easy – however friendship is also about doing activities together to keep things alive – and sometimes take part in your friend’s crazy ideas. And to be honest and straightforward with advice from one another."

That would seem to put financial sponsorship and official coordination off the table. Which, although disappointing, is not particularly surprising given that no startups have money to throw at things not directly related to their core business and revenue generation. It also feels like needs to go through a period of adjustment to manage budgets - and services - more carefully (or at least frugally).

Back from holiday

Editor: Ryan Abel

On behalf of the MWKN team, I'd like to apologize for the unannounced absence of MWKN over the holidays. Busy schedules and real life responsibilities take their toll. The regularly weekly schedule will be resumed from this issue forward.


How to on setting up Tor for Harmattan

Via: @jaffa2

Talk user "dadaniel" has put together a how to on setting up Tor (an internet traffic anonymizer service) on Harmattan. The how to involves the installation of Inception and a fair bit of savvy with the command line, so is not for the faint of heart.


Developers of Qt apps have just today left to register for a BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Andrew Flegg

As RIM's QNX & Qt-based BlackBerry 10 approaches launch (scheduled for 30th January), developers have only today left to register their intent to port a Qt app, which may net them a "Dev Alpha" device, as well as get the Qt project a gift: Qualified Qt developers who complete the registration form may be eligible to receive a BlackBerry® 10 Dev Alpha device under the BlackBerry Qt Porting Program [...] RIM will make a one-time donation of $10,000 USD to the Qt Project Hosting Foundation if 50 eligible Qt apps are ported to BlackBerry 10 by the Qt Community.

The window to register closes at 11:59:59 pm ET on 7th January/5am GMT on 8th January.

Fremantle Community SSU needs Gtk+ developers

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

The Community SSU team is seeking Gtk+ developers to assist with fixing bugs and adding features to open-sourced Fremantle components: We (the CSSU team) have more and more GTK+ based applications in the repository, and by far not enough manpower to work on all of them. With the latest steps towards replacing closed components the amount of those applications increased again. Things like the virtual keyboard could need some love in order to finally enter CSSU. We are happy about every bit of help (Gtk or not) and can be found on IRC (#maemo-ssu on

Problems with SSL certificate affects developers using Garage's version control

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

Another minor hump in the migration road: You probably know that the SSL setup on is broken. The certificate and the private key file do not match. The certificate will anyway expire on the 3rd of Jan, 2013. Hope that the Hildon Foundation can request a new one, as soon as the domain ownership is transferred.

The issue is still stalled at Nokia's end. Hopefully some movement will occur as post-holiday catch-up is caught-up.

Former Harmattan engineers looking at helping with Jolla & Mer

Via: @Jaffa2

Philip Van Hoof has encouraged his fellow former Nokia colleagues to look at ways they can provide their expertise to Mer and Jolla: Hey former Harmattan peeps. How about we do a little bit of this Jolla stuff after our hours and see where it goes? [...] Maybe we can discuss how we can revive some of our Harmattan projects? Personally, I’m thinking about reducing the role of Tracker’s FS miner in Jolla by first refactoring libtracker-extract and adapting buteo to call for metadata extraction instead of letting miner-fs pick the newly added files up A subsequent post then provides his thoughts on ways of improving Tracker with Media Transfer Protocol - a USB standard which allows a PC and the device to both see the same filesystem as the same time.

Community migration issues

Editor: Ryan Abel was migrated to its new servers in December, unfortunately the migration team is having difficulties getting Nokia to release control of the DNS to the Hildon Foundation. Until that occurs the new servers will not be completely live. The hosts file linked in the second URL for this story can be appended to your /etc/hosts to point to the proper IPs for the new * servers.

Community Coding Competition still attempting to track down two missing devices

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

The communication woes with Nokia continue as the coding competition folks are still attempting to track down a contact within the company to help them figure out where devices for two contest winners have ended up. An update from Ryan Faulkner at the end of December indicated that new contacts have been found, but no visible progress has occurred yet: As an update, we have two new contacts within Nokia who we've reached out to. One is an old friend of and one was provided by thedead1440 and Rainisto (thanks guys). Fingers crossed after the holidays we'll make some progress in tracking down these missing devices.

Communication with Nokia on Maemo-related subjects seems particularly difficult. Hopefully these winners will manage to get their devices at some point in the near future.

Hildon Foundation Board minutes for meeting on December 19th, 2012

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

The Hildon Foundation Board meeting minutes from the December 19th meeting are available. Highlights include: Maemo Community migration issues, Randall Arnold's departure from the board, migration, fundraising status update, and Hildon Foundation web page and communications officer.

See the full minutes for details.


Nemo Mobile status update and project restructuring

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Andrew Flegg

Marko Saukko has posted an update on Nemo Mobile (the open distribution based on Mer): I sent some time ago already a message about restructuring the nemo mobile. It has taken a lot more time than originally planned, but finally we are almost ready to take the new structure in use. Preparations for this restructuring has been ongoing for quite a while now, and new structure and processes are already mostly in place. With the restructuring also new obs will be taken in use, which means that active nemo development is moving from MeeGo Community OBS to Mer Community OBS.


LINKer allows file shortcuts on Harmattan home view

Via: @Jaffa2

Tone Kastlunger has announced a new application for N9 and N950 users which allows users to access any document (PDF, Word...), file (audio, video,..) directly from the N9's main view. The app seems to work by hooking into the sharing framework and is available from the Nokia Store for £1 (or local equivalent).