In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • Updates on community infrastructure move
  2. Applications
    • Friends - a new Harmattan Facebook client
    • Soundwave - music recognition for Harmattan
  3. Community
    • Infrastructure of MeeGo project "ramping down"
  4. In the Wild
    • 5 lessons Jolla can learn from Nokia

Front Page

Updates on community infrastructure move

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

The infrastructure migration is making progress, but a number of bumps in the road have delayed the completion: Since my last update we seen further outages of FW [firewall], database (unconfirmed, indication been 503 on, and FW again and again. Currently everything came to a grinding halt again (as usual except this forum, which - despite on same rack - doesn't run thru the FW). Alas my access to that FW is still limited (actually non-existent) so I hope for Eero to at least give it another kick in a few hours, before he leaves for weekend. Sorry for the inconvenience. On the bright side: Ferenc fixed a few bugs in garage, so stuff should work better there now. Pali already said he been able to check in stuff for the first time since ages :-). Well, as long as you can reach it...

Many thanks to everyone involved in the migration process. It's not been an easy job for any of them, but their hard work and dedication is appreciated. Be sure to consider hitting the donation jar for the Hildon Foundation if you appreciate the services that provides. The infrastructure is completely community-financed now and every little bit helps.


Friends - a new Harmattan Facebook client

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Andrew Olmsted

Sfiet Konstantin as announced a Facebook client named "Friends" for Harmattan. The application is still a work in progress, and as such might not have all the features regular users may expect. A partial list of what is working includes: Reading news feed, Seeing album list, and thumbnails of photos, Browsing photos, Posting status updates on your / friends's wall, Posting comments, liking posts. In the announcement post it is implied that the client will also be available on Jolla's Sailfish OS.

Soundwave - music recognition for Harmattan

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

Talk user "knobtviker" has released Soundwave, a music recognition application for Harmattan: Soundwave is an application for music recognition. It uses Midomi servers to identify and search for patterns. Upon success, you will be presented with various data about track, album and artist that you are currently listening to. Think Shazam.

Soundwave is available from the Nokia Store for $4.99.


Infrastructure of MeeGo project "ramping down"

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

The MeeGo project infrastructure is continuing its "ramping down" with Thiago Macieira announcing on the MeeGo-dev list last week the closure of most of the MeeGo mailing lists: As part of the MeeGo infrastructure ramp down, we will begin to shut down most mailing lists. In the coming days, all mailing lists at will be shut down, except for the following: meego-dev (general discussions), meego-commits (automated emails from builds still being sent there), meego-security (security concerns). List archives are also frozen.

The infrastructure shutdown will be completed in May 2013, so users of services are advised to move their activity elsewhere before then.

In the Wild

5 lessons Jolla can learn from Nokia

Via: @timsamoff

Editor: Andrew Olmsted

Over on the Jolla Blog there is an article outlining some opportunities Jolla has to learn from Nokia's long, winding path in open source software on mobile hardware. Some of the lessons, such as "Don't rest on past glory" don't seem to be immediately applicable to Jolla's situation, but there is actually some well reasoned logic explaning how they apply. Although the article is not overly long, it is an interesting read and seems to be good advice on the whole.