In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • Sailfish OS SDK released for Linux
  2. Applications
    • LINKer lets shortcuts to anything be put on N9 homescreen
  3. Development
    • Develop apps for iOS, Android and BlackBerry10 through pure Qt Quick
  4. Announcements
    • Chemical Elements periodic table search for Harmattan

Front Page

Sailfish OS SDK released for Linux

Editor: Andrew Flegg

At Mobile World Congress this week, Jolla have been out and about touting their platform, and new SDK release: The Sailfish OS is a mobile-optimized operating system that has the flexibility, ubiquity and stability of the Linux core with a cutting edge user experience built with the renowned Qt platform.

The Sailfish homepage says OS X and Windows users should "stay tuned."


LINKer lets shortcuts to anything be put on N9 homescreen

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

Everything N9 reviewed a new application for Harmattan, LINKer, that provides functionality to place shortcuts to files and documents on the homescreen in the form of application icons. What it allows you to do is to place shortcuts to your files directly on the homescreen, without having to try and manually find it using Filebox / Gallery / Music / Documents, etc. It is not just limited to files, any application whereby the "Share" button appears, can be used with LINKer to create a shortcut on the desktop.

LINKer works by providing a sharing plugin that, when activated from a sharing dialog, will place a shortcut to the shared item on the homescreen application icon list. It's available from the Nokia Store for $0.99.


Develop apps for iOS, Android and BlackBerry10 through pure Qt Quick

Via: @jaffa2

One of the promises of Qt is encapsulated in the tagline "code less; create more; deploy everywhere". Although this is true of the Qt core, getting cross-platform mobile UIs to be consistent with the native UI has been a problem due to the proliferation of QML component libraries.

Now the Qt iOS Plugin is aiming to streamline that process: Develop applications at once for three mobile platforms: iOS, Android, BlackBerry 10. Port your existing Symbian or Meego application to iOS and Android without the headache.

Mac OS X's XCode is still required for building the iOS application, but the steps otherwise look straightforward.


Chemical Elements periodic table search for Harmattan

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Ryan Abel

Last week, Fernando Muñoz announced the release of a new periodic table lookup application for Harmattan, Chemical Elements:

It's available from the Nokia Store for $0.99 (supported) or for free in the form of a .deb download in the Talk thread.