In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • Jolla announces first phone
    • Jolla opens pre-orders for Jolla phone
  2. Community
    • reorginaziation moves Jolla/Sailfish into a primary subforum
    • MeeGo OBS shutting down around May 29th
    • Questions about Hildon Foundation Board election timeline
    • ...and 3 more
  3. Devices
    • Jolla phone hands-on with Chief Designer Martin Schüle
    • Sfiet Konstantin gives his take on #JollaLoveDay, Sailfish OS, and the Jolla phone
    • Jolla Other Half discussion thread on Talk

Front Page

Jolla announces first phone

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Ryan Abel

Last week, Jolla revealed their first phone, the Jolla phone, to be released around the end of this year. The announcement focused on product concepts and ideas rather than hard specifications, but the general specifications have been outlined on the pre-order page: "Original Jolla design with ample 4.5" Estrade [raised] display, dual core and 4G, 16GB storage + microSD, 8MP AF camera, user-replaceable battery, The Other Half, easy-to-use gesture based Sailfish OS, Android app compatible, 399€ - we target to ship by the end of 2013. The vague specifications could be explained in a number of ways, but, most likely, they simply haven't nailed down an exact set.

Jolla is trying to market the device around interesting software and hardware concepts and fresh ideas rather than engaging with the Android spec war (which is rooted both in the limited differentiation between Android handsets and Android's bloat). Many have reacted negatively to the lack of detailed specifications, but, since Jolla is not Android, they will not reveal much about how a devices feels or about relative performance. Given the smoothness with which early demos of the Sailfish OS ran on the N950 and the quality of the recent demos with the Jolla device, Sailfish seems capable of running well on relatively old hardware, which means middling specs should not be a major concern for potential buyers.

At center stage in Jolla's announcement was their Other Half concept. Demonstrations so far, have been limited to be a series of colored battery covers that somehow convey information about their color scheme (NFC?) to the device so the theme colors for Ambience can be set based on the cover color. However, Jolla also alluded to some form of accessory connectivity that could permit things like keyboards, extra storage, or extra battery capacity. No details have been release about how data might be exchanged between the phone and the Other Half (USB is a possibility, but lots of overhead) so far. With 3D printing and the open source software platform, the possibilities are rather compelling.

(The first link is to the #JollaLoveDay announcement stream video, the second to the Jolla launch video, and the third to the Jolla phone press photos.)

Jolla opens pre-orders for Jolla phone

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Ryan Abel

With the announcement of the Jolla phone, Jolla also opened pre-orders for the device. Pre-orders are available in three tiers: €100 - Jolla Limited Edition + Other Half, €40 - Jolla Limited Edition + T-Shirt, and €0 Jolla

All tiers are for reserving a pre-order slot for the Joll phone; the €40 and €100 top two tiers feature a limited edition phone and Jolla t-shirt; and the €100 top tier features a limited edition Other Half (battery cover) and a €100 voucher to the purchase of the phone. The €100 offers the best value for those wishing to get a t-shirt, but the list of countries which they currently plan on releasing the new phone in is limited, and only people with mailing addresses in those countries can currently order the highest €100 pre-order tier. However, the company plans on using pre-orders to judge demand in other localities, so if you wish to see the Jolla phone released in your country you can order the €40 or €0 tier to help show demand.

Community reorginaziation moves Jolla/Sailfish into a primary subforum

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Ryan Abel

The subforums were shuffled around a bit this past week to move the Jolla Sailfish subforum up a level from Alternatives and a separate subforum for Jolla hardware was created under Devices: Talk about Jolla as company goes to general and off-topic, please. We are here about Devices and Platforms not about Companies.

MeeGo OBS shutting down around May 29th

Via: @GeneralAntilles, @timsamoff

Editor: Ryan Abel

David Greaves sent an email to the MeeGo-dev mailing list to warn of the upcoming shutdown of the MeeGo OBS around May 29th: I should have announced this earlier but I've been busy; sorry. Please ensure you've taken backups of anything you need - once it's gone it really will be gone!

David suggests that anyone needing to buil open source projects against Mer, Nemo, Plasma Active, or Sailfish OS should use the Mer Community OBS. Details are available on the other end of the link.

Questions about Hildon Foundation Board election timeline

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Ryan Abel

win7mac raised some important questions yesterday on Talk about the actual timeline of the Hildon Foundation Board election: May I ask what is the state of BoD [Hildon Foundation Board of Directors] elections? Official Election timetable states '2013-05-21: Nomination Period for BoD Ends. Presumably. Rest TBD', on the maemo-community list so far we have 2 nominees only, the voting page states 'Starting 2013-06-20 23:59:59 UTC: Hildon Foundation Board of Directors Election Q2 2013', and the [ELECTIONS] [COUNCIL] news aggregator states (since weeks) 'In a few days this post will get augmented to also explain the 4th election that you might have heard about: HiFo BoD election.'

Hopefully the timeline is clarified soon. The politics that have resulted in both the need for an early election and the confusion in the current timeline will hopefully not cause additional trouble.

Ideas being solicited for improving the Maemo Facebook page

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Ryan Abel

Rüdiger Schiller started a thread on Talk last week to discuss ideas for improving the Maemo page on Facebook: I am currently updating the maemo facebook page and need some ideas for improvement. Profile picture, posts, links and texts - help me out please! Share your ideas, please! If you have any ideas for improvements, jump into the thread.

Craig Woodward (Woody14619) running for Hildon Foundation Board

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Craig Woodward (Woody14619) announced his intention to run for the Hildon Foundation Board.

Ryan Abel (GeneralAntilles) running for Hildon Foundation Board

Via: @jaffa2

Ryan Abel (GeneralAntilles) announced his intention to run for the Hildon Foundation Board.


Jolla phone hands-on with Chief Designer Martin Schüle

Via: @GeneralAntilles

A hands-on video with Jolla's Chief Designer Martin Schüle was posted by the Kick Network on YouTube last week. The video is similar to the one shown last year with Sailfish running on the N950, but features a much-improved Sailfish OS and the Jolla phone.

Sfiet Konstantin gives his take on #JollaLoveDay, Sailfish OS, and the Jolla phone

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Ryan Abel

Sfiet Konstantin attended #JollaLoveDay last week, and wrote up his impressions from the announcement in a 3-article blog series, "I like Sailfish but …": Yesterday, Jolla have done the announcement of their first phone, and got overwhelming support from all over the world. The product is really beautiful and seems to be very intelligently designed. As a Jolla fan since the beginning, I was very pleased by what I have seen, but there were also something else, that makes me uncomfortable.

Be sure to read through the whole set, which covers the reaction of tech press, some of the problems Jolla has, and technical commentary about the device. He offers interesting insights into the announcements with a more balanced view than you're likely to find elsewhere.

Jolla Other Half discussion thread on Talk

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Ryan Abel

A thread was openend on Talk last week to discuss Jolla's Other Half (the battery cover/accessory add-on on the Jolla phone) and ideas for Other Half add-ons. Join in the discussion with your ideas or direct them to @JollaHQ on Twitter. Your editor favors a N800-style add-on with dual SD card slots and a kickstand.