In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • Hildon Foundation Board of Directors election opened
    • maintenance on Tuesday 2013-06-25 from 0700 to 0900 UTC
  2. Applications
    • MeeFox 1.0.3a released
  3. Community
    • Last week's Hildon Foundation Board of Directors meeting cancelled due lack of attendance
    • Nokia's Harmattan developer site back online (for now)

Front Page

Hildon Foundation Board of Directors election opened

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Ryan Abel

The Hildon Foundation Board of Directors election opened on Saturday 2013-06-22 last week. It will run for 7 days, ending at 23:59 UTC on Friday 2013-06-28. The candidates are: Ryan Abel, Andrew Flegg, Win7 Mac, Krzysztof Kuska Rüdiger Schiller, and Craig Woodward. The list of candidates and their nominations are available on the wiki. A questionnaire thread for candidates was also posted on the forum (the last link in this post), the candidates' answers and their nominations are recommended reading before voting.

Emails with voting tokens went out to eligible voters on Friday. users with a karma of 10 or higher and an account at least 3 months old are eligible to vote. If you feel you are eligible and did not get a token, check in on the election thread on Talk (second link in this post).

Please remember to cast your vote. Good election turnouts are appreciated by everybody involved with, and can be especially invigorating for an incoming body. It also helps ensure the elected candidates will be acceptable to a broader range of community members. Even casting an empty ballot is useful if you'd like to register your protest of some part (or all) of the election. maintenance on Tuesday 2013-06-25 from 0700 to 0900 UTC

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Ryan Abel will be experiencing temporary service interruptions on Tuesday 2013-06-25 from 0700 to approximately 0900 UTC while a new switch is installed.


MeeFox 1.0.3a released

Via: @iCODeRUS

Editor: Ryan Abel

Talk user "coderus" announced the release of a native UI for QmlMozBrowser, MeeFox, for Harmattan. MeeFox is available from his repository or directly as a .deb in the thread. Details on MeeFox's usage are also available in the thread.


Last week's Hildon Foundation Board of Directors meeting cancelled due lack of attendance

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Ryan Abel

A board meeting planned on Thursday 2013-06-20 at 1400 UTC last week was ended about 40 minutes into the scheduled meeting time after the failure of RM Bauer and Jim Jagielski to show for the meeting. Craig Woodward, Win7 Mac, Kash, and your editor were in attendance.

Craig is attempting to schedule another board meeting on Tuesday 2013-07-02 at 1400 UTC.

Nokia's Harmattan developer site back online (for now)

Via: @achipa

Editor: Ryan Abel

In a tweet last week, Attila Csipa announced that Nokia's developer resource site for Harmattan is back online (presumably thanks to efforts on his part). Given Nokia's stance towards all things Maemo and MeeGo, this is a situation that's not likely to last long-term. Grab what you need while you can.