In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • Autobuilder & Extras Assistant for Maemo 4 fixed
  2. Applications
    • Wazapp nightly 34 test
    • Gameplay video of chro.mono
  3. Announcements
    • Deb packages creator for Harmattan

Front Page

Autobuilder & Extras Assistant for Maemo 4 fixed

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

More good news on the autobuilder and Extras Assistant front. Ivaylo Dimitrov's continued hard work has brought them back online for Maemo 4: I am glad to say that freemangordon have fixed Maemo autobuilder & Extras Assistant for Maemo 4. The packages appear in Maemo Packages interface, are promoted, etc.

Big thanks for the continued hard work from all of the community volunteers helping to ensure both that the infrastructure keeps running and that degraded services are brought back to life.


Wazapp nightly 34 test

Via: @jaffa2

The latest Wazapp (a Whatsapp client for Harmattan) nightly, v34, is available for testing from the Whazapp thread.

So far, no issues have been reported with this version.

Gameplay video of chro.mono

Via: @jaffa2

Editor: Ryan Abel

Thomas Perl demoed a new game, chro.mono, on YouTube last week. It's available for Android, BlackBerry, and Harmattan.


Deb packages creator for Harmattan

Via: @jaffa2

'Schturman' has announced a small command-line tool that can create small packages directly on your phone. One of the primary use cases is packaging small mods, such as changing icons.