Nokia-led development of hildon-desktop stopped
As noted on the front page, a recent commit comment to hildon-desktop (the component which forms the basis of the Maemo 5 user experience) suggests the end of Nokia's planned development: This is the end, there won't be any more "upstream" development. hildon-desktop and friends are truely free now, do whatever you want with them. With the outlet of community development in Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh's upcoming update repository, hopefully we will see community commits, and - in your editor's experience - there are bound to be Nokia engineers who've wanted to make particular changes for years, but been unable to within the confines of a corporate project.
MeeGo Touch Framework (MTF) documentation now online
Those of you interested in getting to work with the MeeGo Touch Framework, which provides the API for applications on touchscreen devices, will be glad to hear that the documentation is now avaiable online. While enterprising souls have been able to generate the documentation for MeeGo Touch Framework (MTF) from gitorious, you may not have bothered to if you are merely curious about what it might have to offer. In the likely case that this has evaded you, you may be happy to learn that you can browse the documentation online now (well, it has been possible for a few weeks already).
Qt Mobility APIs now available in Python
The PySide team has now released Qt Mobility API binding for Python, which allows developers to program in Python and make use of Qt Mobility. Are you a Python developer, feeling envious of your C++-coding buddies cranking out N900 Qt applications with all those nice Qt Mobility APIs? No reason for envy any longer: The PyMaemo/PySide team is proud to present PySide Mobility: Python bindings for the Qt Mobility APIs! Combining the power of Python and the Nokia-sponsored PySide Qt bindings with the capabilities of Qt Mobility, you'll be spewing out impressive apps for N900 like never before! The bindings are currently available in Extras-devel.
New PulseAudio package to solve audio stuttering on N900
Continuing his community SSU push, Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh is looking for testers for a new PulseAudio package for Maemo 5 which seeks to address the audio stuttering issues many users experience. This is a new pulseaudio package, not sure if this is the full patch but it should solve stuttering. As it doesn't seem to work on the stock kernel, testers will need to install the kernel-power package.