Maemo, on N900, running MeeGo Handset UX
alan bruce has previously had Debian and Mer running alongside Maemo. Now he's started having success in running MeeGo's handset user interface in its own window alongside the rest of Maemo 5. It is, however, not without its problems: I'm also hoping someone will give some pushes in the right direction, to improve performance or to suggest a way to stop the apps from segfaulting.
Images of Nokia MeeGo (Harmattan)-running "N9" apparently surface
A set of leaked photos from China show what is, apparently, a Nokia N9 running MeeGo-Harmattan. The aluminum-and-black-plastic prototype appears to be an N97-style tilt-slider with a 4-row keyboard (which seemingly hasn't prevented Nokia from putting the Ctrl key in a bad spot). Few details have surfaced about the exact device specifications, besides what we know from last year's Summit: OMAP3 (likely OMAP36x at this point), WVGA, and a capacitive screen.
Increase N900 FM transmitter frequency range and power
Jacek Milewicz has modified the fmtx binary to disable the power reduction that occurs when a USB cable is plugged in (essentially making the FM transmitter unusable while charging). The configuration has also been modified to allow the full range of the FM transmitter's frequencies to be used (76.1Mhz–107.9Mhz). After being fed up with dilemma - charge phone while driving or listen to music [...] I've decided to go with modifying fmtxd binary [...] After disassembling it in my favorite disassembler i've noticed that it wouldn't be a problem to disable "feature" of headphone detection as well so modified binary will keep fmtx running at high power regardless of headphones and usb cable. Installation requires replacing a system file with the Terminal, so only users with some command line experience and the ability to back up the original file should install it.