Despite additional timing difficulties Maemo Community Council election is now running
The seven candidates in the Maemo Community Council election are now after your votes. Voting runs until May 23nd 2012, 23:59 UTC. If you have not received your voting tokens, but think you should be eligible, contact Niels Breet.
Launching the Summer'12 Device Program: N9s and N950s to giveaway
Via: @Jaffa2
Quim Gil has consolidated discussion on the N9s and N950s Nokia plan to distribute to the Maemo community, and branded the efforts under a "Summer'12 Device Program" moniker: Nokia is sponsoring a device program consisting of 60 Nokia N9 + 40 Nokia 950 with free delivery. One of the goals of this program is to help reducing the list of missing apps (or alternatives & related features). The devices will be distributed through 4 activities. Hopefully this will result in a burst of high-quality, innovative, Qt apps for Harmattan.