Gtk+ on MeeGo Handset bidders selected by GNOME Foundation
Following a donation of a large sum of money by Nokia, the GNOME Foundation have selected Igalia to conduct the work: We received a number of very interesting bids for the project, but Igalia's bid was the one that focused the most on integrating elements of Hildon into GTK+ upstream. This should mean easier porting of older Hildon/Maemo applications to the new MeeGo Handset platform, as well as easier porting of existing desktop GTK+ applications to the handset. Claudio Saavedra, one of the developers working on the project, said "will spend the next months trying to bring the best from the Hildon user experience to upstream GTK+, to make sure that the good old Maemo applications can be easily ported to GTK+".
Qt SDK 1.1 (Tech Preview) has Qt Quick/QML, Symbian, Maemo & desktop app support
Nokia's Qt strategy take a step forward with a preview release of Qt SDK 1.1, which merges the numerous separate SDKs into a single install bundle: The new SDK is a merge of the Nokia Qt SDK 1.0 and the last Qt SDK, based on Qt 4.7. [...] The new Qt SDK 1.1 Technology Preview enables developers targeting desktop platforms to use the same setup, features and environment as developers targeting [mobile] platforms. This eases the migration of desktop applications to mobile platforms. With installers for Windows, Linux (32- & 64-bit x86) and Mac OS X, and the integration of cutting edge Qt technologies and fully supported Maemo development this is what Maemo's been waiting for. Unfortunately, it's a few years late, but hopefully will put MeeGo (if/when Nokia release a handset running it) in a better position.