Meet the new (Q1 2011) Maemo Community Council!
Last week, the call for candidate declarations for the next term of the Maemo Community Council closed, resulting in five total candidates. Because of this, the idea of foregoing a formal election and issuing a blanket acceptance of these candidates as elected was posed. This situation had been anticipated when the election process was drafted (as was the possibility of getting fewer than the requisite number of candidates); with the aim to ensure there were either three or five members on the Council.
The community response agreed on allowing these candidatess to step into their elected seats without an election. Tim Samoff, announcing the conclusion, introduced the new Council and reminded us the position of Community Council member is completely voluntary and unpaid. These fine people are serving you, the Maemo Community, in their free time, out of the goodness of their hearts and a passion for what Maemo is and means. So, please congratulate the five, newly elected Maemo Community Council: RM Bauer, alan bruce, Felipe Crochik, Attila Csipa (aka 'attila77'), and Randall Arnold.