MeeGo Community device programme looking for champions
Randall Arnold has opened the MeeGo Community Device programme up to new champions who wish to take on a device: This is defined very simply: excited about a product? have some expertise with it? Know someone in the right position inside a provider's organization? All of the above? Then YOU are a device champion! So jump in! Edit the wiki, contact providers, or whatever else you think you can do to contribute...
Customising N900 keyboard & X Terminal
Paul Hartman has offered some advice in mapping the N900's keyboard in order to type special characters; pointing to instructions on the wiki, and for xterm-specific usage you can change your xterm on-screen keys or your hardware keyboard mappings to include more useful keys like those. For example in my Xterm I have: Ctrl Esc { } < > | %... It is also possible to remap the hardware keyboard so that Fn-Up is PgUp, Fn-Down is PgDown, Fn-Left is Home, Fn-Right is End, etc. Lastly, if you're interested in customizing your N900 in these ways, you might also want to check out the "key bar for xterm" conversation at Talk.