Maemo community is again participating in Google's Summer of Code
The Google Summer of Code is a global program that offers student developers salaries to write code for various open source software projects. Sponsored by Google, they: work with several open source, free software, and technology-related groups to identify and fund several projects over a three month period. Since its inception in 2005, the program has brought together nearly 2500 successful student participants and 2500 mentors from 98 countries worldwide, all for the love of code. was involved in 2009, after organisation efforts by Valério Valério. His efforts this year have also resulted in the Maemo community being named as one of the organisations participating. Project ideas will now be submitted which will get whittled down and students allocated.
Ten candidates for March 2010 Maemo Community Council election
It's election time again and this year's Community Council election is more important than any other in the past, due to one word: MeeGo. Elections start on Wednesday, 24th March and run for a week. Eligible voters will receive voting tokens and instructions from Dave Neary. The voting is counted by "single-transferrable vote", meaning that if your first choice candidate isn't going to win, your vote for your second choice candidate is taken into account. The Maemo Community Council is a five-person body chosen by the "Maemo community". The Council's primary purpose is to represent the views and opinions of the Maemo Community to Nokia, and vice versa.Maemo Community Council members are unpaid volunteers who are not employed by Nokia Coporation. Ten candidates are standing (Ryan Abel, Randall Arnold, Andrew Black, Attila Csipa, Andrew Flegg, Andrea Grandi, Cosimo Kroll, Javier S. Pedro, Arek Stopczynski and Steven Yeager). The page below lists summaries of their declarations and links to other various comments and Q&A sessions they've been involved in. Sanjeev Visvanatha is pulling together an extended blog-posting having asked a series of questions of all of the candidates.