State of Maemo, Q1 2011 from the Community Council
The Maemo community's fifth council will soon be stepping down and the sixth (for March - September 2011) will be elected. Tim Samoff, chair of the outgoing Maemo Community Council, has started wrapping up the current term whilst summarising the opportunities and challenges facing the Maemo community: In conclusion, the Council would like to thank you, the Maemo Community, developers, end-users, and Nokia employees alike, for helping to make this a fun ride. Our hope is that the ride isn’t over yet, but it’s up to us to begin to think about providing the fuel. Many exciting developments are still in store for Maemo, so lets not sit back and wait for a supposed end. There are already many dedicated community members who have made the Maemo Community a success. If you’ve never contributed before, think about how you can help: report bugs, edit the wiki, and take part in the Talk forums… Likewise, we’re quickly approaching the next Community Council elections, so please consider your role in Maemo and how you might contribute in a more (or less) “official” role (yes, many of us still think the Council is an integral component to sustaining the Maemo Community). Our community is not ready to die, so be one of the people who provide life to an organism that thrives on personal involvement. The road ahead is likely to be a tough one for users of open mobile devices, as the alternative offerings available in the market to Maemo and MeeGo are limited (or nonexistent). The Nokia announcement, far from obsoleting and the Maemo Community, has, perhaps, greatly increased both its current and future importance. A large number of N900 owners, lacking reasonable alternatives, are likely to rely on their existing device for a much longer period of time and will need to be there to support them.