Registration open for MeeGo Conference 2011 in San Francisco
It was announced after the Dublin conference last year that MeeGo Conferences would fall every 6 months, with a community-oriented conference in the Fall and an industry conference in the Spring. Registration has now openned for the Spring conference: We're looking forward to seeing you in San Francisco for the Spring 2011 conference being held May 23-25! The hotel situation for attendees requesting sponsorship wasn't completely clear from the forms. Amy Leeland posted to resolve the confusion: reserve your room, input your card (nothing will be charged if you cancel by May 9th) and the approved attendees will have their rooms put on the master account. If your sponsorship request is not approved, simply cancel your reservation before May 9th.
So those of you requesting sponsorship can go ahead and register for the conference and reserve your room. Just remember to cancel before May 9th if you wont be attending.
Valtteri Halla to join Intel, after leaving Nokia
One of the higher-profile corporate departures after the Elopocalypse was of Valtteri Halla (of the MeeGo Technical Steering Group) from Nokia. We covered the news in last week's issue, but the results of the move weren't particularly clear, particularly where this leaves the TSG. Although things aren't much clearer this week, the situation has become somewhat more interesting. From a recent tweet: I will join Intel in April - to continue work with Open Source, mobile&computing technologies and of course - MeeGo Valtteri currently play's Nokia's part in the TSG, which leaves Nokia unrepressented (unsurprising and unworrisome given their recent shift in corporate strategies). More complicating is that it leaves Intel holding complete control over final say in the project. It's unlikely that Intel would abuse this position, but it seems to hold the potential to scare away other companies from the project if it's viewed as a "By Intel, For Intel" operation.