Beat Maker - call for testers for drum sequencer
Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula is looking for testers for his Beat Maker drum sequencer: I promised this new release for the end of the last year, but I delayed it a bit due some changes in my professional and personal life. Anyway, basically this release is about bug fixing and performance improvement. It’s using less power now, and playing faster. The deb is currently available from his website. Hoewever, being a random deb from the internet, potential testers should - of course - treat it with care.
Status of PlayStation emulators
roman deninberg has put together a PlayStation emulator package which contains a number of variants, each of which may be more suitable for some games. The packages are currently in Extras-devel, so usual caveats around updating other packages whilst temporarily enabling the repo apply.
Qt-based TwimGo 2.5 runs "smoothly" on Symbian N8 "as it does on N900"
Tommi Luakkanen has posted a photo of the next version of his Twitter client, TwimGo, running on a Nokia N8 running Symbian^3. As we mentioned last week, the new version has been rewritten using Qt Quick. Via Twitter, he says: Qt based TwimGo 2.5 runs really smoothly on #Nokia #N8 as it does on #N900 too :)
Open Media Player gets playback and seeking support
Progress on the open source, Qt-based rewrite of Maemo 5's Media Player is progressing, with Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh continuing Sebastiaan Lauwers's work in hooking in MAFW:
21:39 < MohammadAG> crashanddie, mafw source implemented
21:39 < crashanddie> nice
21:39 < MohammadAG> at least for listing and playback
21:39 < crashanddie> Who lent his brain?
21:39 < MohammadAG> me
21:39 < crashanddie> excellent job mate
21:40 < MohammadAG> :P
1:40 < MohammadAG> thank ye
21:40 < MohammadAG> but playlist is left
21:40 < crashanddie> how did you do playback without playlist?
21:40 < MohammadAG> I didn't: mafwrenderer accepts objectIds
21:41 < MohammadAG> also the progress bar moves now
21:43 < crashanddie> nice