In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • Minutes from MeeGo Community Office on taking "Extras" forward
    • Come on in...
    • This MWKN brought to you by...
  2. Development
    • Using the N900 GPU for image processing rather than rendering
  3. Community
    • MeeGo Community Calendar
    • Registration open for MeeGo Summit Finland
    • Request to create new MeeGo Cellular mailing list
  4. Announcements
    • TwimGo 2.6 released

Front Page

Minutes from MeeGo Community Office on taking "Extras" forward

Following discussions on the MeeGo mailing lists, David Greaves presented his thoughts on the issues needed to be addressed to take the concept of community repositories forward on MeeGo. The meeting ended with David Greaves, Niels Breet and Andrew Flegg picking up an action to write up a proposal for the TSG to sign off a project team to come up with the first draft of proposals for review.

Come on in...

David Greaves's introduction to the challenges addressed above: Borrowing Andrew Flegg's mission statement for MeeGo Community Apps: we need to ensure a vibrant and quality area for community open source software. So MeeGo Apps is the community app store and follows on from the succesful Maemo Extras. It allows app developers to build MeeGo compliant (and other) apps and distribute them to users. In particular can (and should) attempts be made to move the Diablo auto-builder to OBS?

This MWKN brought to you by...

The letters P and Q; the number 42 and Ryan Abel.


Using the N900 GPU for image processing rather than rendering

GPU-based computing has become more and more popular over the past few years due, in part, to many advances in the technology put into building modern graphics processing units. These changes haven't been limited to the desktop space, and work is now ongoing to leverage the PowerVR SGX 530 in the N900's OMAP3430 for general computing task: The shader code itself is somewhat complex, but nothing extraordinary. And I am happy with performance of the shader but the time required to compile this particular shader source code on N900 is ridiculous 90 sec!


MeeGo Community Calendar

A community calendar has been created thanks to efforts by Andrea Grandi (Maemo Community Council member) and Dave Neary: A MeeGo Community Calendar has been created using Google Calendar. A selected group of collaborators will publish events on this calendar and everyone will be able to subscribe to be notified about them. These events can be: IRC Meetings, TSG Meetings ect... We will add MeeGo related events in this calendar and everyone will be able to automatically be updated with latest events shown in their local time. If you'd like to avoid missing events, be sure to subscribe to the calendar.

Registration open for MeeGo Summit Finland

Registration is now open for the MeeGo Summit Finland event taking place April 15th-16th in Tampere, Finland. Join the world’s first national MeeGo summit in the beautiful city of Tampere, the largest inland city in the Nordic countries. MeeGo Summit FI is a developer oriented 2-day summit packed with MeeGo and Qt sessions and showcases. Registration is limited to 300 participants, and has already nearly reached 200. So register soon if you plan on attending.

Request to create new MeeGo Cellular mailing list

MeeGo mailing list propagation continues, with a request having been filed in Bugzilla for a new cellular list. The list isn't official yet, but if you're interested in cellular software on MeeGo, be sure to follow the list. The intention is to discuss there several MeeGo-specific cellular components, which have their upstream hosted in Gitorious at the moment.


TwimGo 2.6 released

Tommi Laukkanen has updated TwimGo to version 2.6, bringing a number of improvements and bug fixes: Since Nokia’s Qt SDK 1.1 Technology Preview release I’ve found myself launching the Qt Creator pretty often on my Mac. The whole IDE along with plain QML Viewer are really stable so that I can be very productive on writing Qt Quick based apps. During the last week I focused on adding bunch of new features to my Twitter client app,TwimGo. This new version includes the following changes: Auto-login, auto-refresh (5 minutes), indicator if new tweets were found on auto-refresh for home or mentions timelines, fixed the bug of retweeting incorrect tweet, new mentions icon, slightly colored tweets for own tweets (red) and mentions (green), small improvements to error handling: Twitter API errors are shown, N900: Minimize app by tapping top left corner. You can download the binaries from the projects page on Forum Nokia. It's available for both N900 and N8.