TwimGo 2.6 released
Tommi Laukkanen has updated TwimGo to version 2.6, bringing a number of improvements and bug fixes: Since Nokia’s Qt SDK 1.1 Technology Preview release I’ve found myself launching the Qt Creator pretty often on my Mac. The whole IDE along with plain QML Viewer are really stable so that I can be very productive on writing Qt Quick based apps. During the last week I focused on adding bunch of new features to my Twitter client app,TwimGo. This new version includes the following changes: Auto-login, auto-refresh (5 minutes), indicator if new tweets were found on auto-refresh for home or mentions timelines, fixed the bug of retweeting incorrect tweet, new mentions icon, slightly colored tweets for own tweets (red) and mentions (green), small improvements to error handling: Twitter API errors are shown, N900: Minimize app by tapping top left corner. You can download the binaries from the projects page on Forum Nokia. It's available for both N900 and N8.