In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • MeeGo Developer Edition for N900 released
  2. Applications
    • Alpha release of Open Media Player replacement for Maemo 5
  3. Development
    • Latest CSSU test release includes Qt 4.7.2
    • Immoral - an in-development QML mail client
  4. Community
    • Deadline for sponsorship requests to San Francisco MeeGo Conference: Friday, 15th April
    • Visualising MeeGo community
    • Banners on
  5. Devices
    • LG committed to in-vehicle infotainment with MeeGo, not phones
    • Android 2.3.3 release for N900
  6. Announcements
    • SeriesFinale v0.6.7
    • MIR Translation - realtime, online text translation

Front Page

MeeGo Developer Edition for N900 released

The results of the focus, by Nokia and others, on stabilising a release of MeeGo 1.2 suitable for daily use on the N900 has had its first release candidate. Initial comments suggest it is much faster than the original MeeGo releases, and so the work invested in performance has really paid off. However, launching large applications is still slow, due to the speed of the eMMC. It's worth noting that this is still intended for advanced users, and a long way from an end-user/commercial quality release.


Alpha release of Open Media Player replacement for Maemo 5

Work continues on Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh's open source replacement for the built-in Media Player. He's released an alpha version for testing purposes (and to hopefully generate additional assistance): Been showing this on the forums a lot, figured it's about time I make a release. Please note that this is an alpha release, the mediaplayer turned out to be a bigger project than I expected. If you're interested in testing the latest release, follow the instructions on forum thread. They're not for the feint of heart, however.


Latest CSSU test release includes Qt 4.7.2

The latest release of the Maemo 5 Community SSU, coordinated by Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh has upgrade Qt to 4.7.2 along with a whole load of other features, including portrait support in PDF viewer and task manager; a more concise (optional) view in Modest and a whole new reimplementation of the closed source Camera application. MeeGoExperts provides a nice readable view of the changelog in the link below. The CSSU is still in a testing phase, and contributions (in terms of code, documentation, support and process) are very welcome. A few bugs in Qt 4.7.2 have been exposed and this release is possibly the boldest yet, replacing as it does one of the UI frameworks used by applications. It is not yet recommended for end-users, but if you can help make it so (which doesn't have to be technical), please get involved.

Immoral - an in-development QML mail client

A Talk user "cb22" has released a mockup of the new QML mail client under development: Immoral. We've all had our fair share of issues with the standard Maemo email client. Be it slowness, lack of IMAP push, choking on mail accounts with large amounts of mail or inability to access mail offline. So far I've done a bit of a basic GUI mockup - this is my first time using QML or really even attempting any sort of big project from scratch. Guess we shall see how it goes. Check out the YouTube video in the post.


Deadline for sponsorship requests to San Francisco MeeGo Conference: Friday, 15th April

The ability to register for the MeeGo Conference and apply for travel & room assistance has now passed. In a reminder email, Linux Foundation's Brian Warner said: If you plan to apply for a travel sponsorship to the May conference in San Francisco, please register for the conference by this Friday, April 15. Please note, applications will only be accepted through the conference registration process. We will know fairly soon which travel has been approved, and will send out notifications then. The sponsorship committee is made up of Brian, Quim Gil, Dawn Foster and one of your editors, Andrew Flegg. The committee has had one teleconference and made a tentative initial round of selections.

Visualising MeeGo community

Jarkko Moilanen has used the open source code visualisation tool, Gource, to produce infographics for the commits to MeeGo projects, posts to the mailing lists and participation on IRC: While videos generated with gource might at first seem useless and fancy time consuming experiments with video codecs, that is not the whole truth. Gource can be useful at least in two ways. Firstly, it allows you to see what areas of the project are active in an easy to understand way. Secondly, it shows whether there is community around a whole project or just aspects of it. I’ll discuss that in more details later. I wanted to test gource and see what can be done with it. This gource experiment became more fun that I expected. Just for fun, like Linus once said in cover of his book. Well, he has said quite a lot but that one fits here. Let’s get dirty!

Banners on

RM Bauer, a member of the Maemo Community Council, has posted to the maemo-community mailing list that the Council has decided to allow a limited number banners on for related projects. There is already a banner for the 2011 Coding Competition. A banner has been prepared for the Cordia project. And council has approved the Community SSU for a third banner, although a banner has not yet been submitted for review. The following set of rules are proposed to serve as guidance for those who might consider submitting a banner to in the future. Constructive comments on the rules are requested.


LG committed to in-vehicle infotainment with MeeGo, not phones

Reuters caused a bit of a stir with a revamp of the fact that LG has joined the MeeGo Handset Working Group (along with Intel, China Mobile and Nokia); but pitched this as an "LG to produce MeeGo phones" story. Engadget ran it, but the wider coverage led to a clarification from LG, reprinted by Engadget: LG has issued a statement meant to dampen any early enthusiasm we may have felt about an LG handset running MeeGo. According to the Reuters update, an LG spokesman says, "At this point in time LG has no definitive plans to mass produce devices with MeeGo other than car infotainment systems." For completeness, the link to the meeting log on is below as well.

Android 2.3.3 release for N900

Android has been available in a variety of forms for Maemo devices since the N810 days, now NITDroid has been updated to Android 2.3.3. The image is available for installation now, but as the process is fairly involved so should be approached with care. New features include: Android 2.3.3 (GRI40); New Gapps preinstalled (market should be downloaded automatically after login to google account); USB Mass Storage support; Accelerometer 'agressive mode' for games; Wi-Fi RSSI fixed (signal strength icon in status bar); Video playback (youtube, mediaplayer) fixed


SeriesFinale v0.6.7

Joaquim Rocha has announced the release of the latest version of SeriesFinale, an application which lets you track how up-to-date you are with a TV show. The latest release has a number of changes and bug fixes: Since last version, it is possible to navigate to the next and previous episodes when viewing an episode details but one thing that was a real pain was to have to go back to the full list of episodes in order to mark them as watched so I’ve added a menu that lets users check the episode as watched. The latest version is in Extras-testing, so if you are willing to test release-candidate software against the QA criteria, please get stuck in.

MIR Translation - realtime, online text translation

Michael Hsueh has announced the release of MIR Translation, which is an application for translating text in photos taken by the N900 camera. It experiments with novel interactive techniques to perform text recognition. Currently the app supports translation to and from over 30 different languages. The app requires an Internet connection to work, but is impressive in the video demos. It's currently in Extras-devel, so be careful not to update any other applications whilst having the repo temporarily enabled if you decide to try it.