Latest CSSU test release includes Qt 4.7.2
The latest release of the Maemo 5 Community SSU, coordinated by Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh has upgrade Qt to 4.7.2 along with a whole load of other features, including portrait support in PDF viewer and task manager; a more concise (optional) view in Modest and a whole new reimplementation of the closed source Camera application. MeeGoExperts provides a nice readable view of the changelog in the link below. The CSSU is still in a testing phase, and contributions (in terms of code, documentation, support and process) are very welcome. A few bugs in Qt 4.7.2 have been exposed and this release is possibly the boldest yet, replacing as it does one of the UI frameworks used by applications. It is not yet recommended for end-users, but if you can help make it so (which doesn't have to be technical), please get involved.