In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • Microsoft & Nokia deal: past the point of no return
  2. Applications
    • Using Queen BeeCon to get an HTC-style clock/weather homescreen widget
    • Sygic's "Aura" maps update not coming to Maemo
    • Updates to NewsFlow - multi-platform Google Reader client
  3. Development
    • Status and plans for
    • Quick fixes for impressive QML performance gains
    • Systemd for MeeGo 1.3
    • Submit your apps for a UX makeover
  4. Community
    • Italian MeeGo Day in March a success
    • Cambridge MeeGo Meeting, April 20th
    • Cheap hotels for San Francisco MeeGo Conference
    • San Francisco MeeGo Conference travel visas
    • certificates expiring, again
  5. Devices
    • News on MeeGo Developer Edition for N900
  6. Announcements
    • SpiderOak online storage client for N900
    • Conky Layout Switcher

Front Page

Microsoft & Nokia dealing: past the point of no return

Two months later, the "Elopocalypse" has officially been inked: Microsoft and Nokia's industry-altering announcement of a strategic alliance back in February has today been bolstered with the signing of a definitive agreement between the two companies. In announcing the inking of the paperwork, the Microkia crew point out that they're already hard at work developing "a portfolio" of Nokia Windows Phone devices, which will be shipping "in volume" in 2012, but there's still a twinkling hope that they can get something out on the market in 2011. What this means for the future of MeeGo is still up to the market to answer, and although there have been some notable new companies joining the project, companies join trade groups to hedge their bets. No one has yet stepped forward to make MeeGo as strategically important to their business as Nokia did. With the MeeGo division in Nokia effectively reverting back to 770 days (Valtteri Halla and Sakari Poussa being two notable losses), and still no new hardware or software in sight, things don't look hopeful. Hopefully next month's conference in San Francisco will re-energise the community and commercial partners.


Using Queen BeeCon to get an HTC-style clock/weather homescreen widget

A noticable feature of HTC's Android phones is the large flip-clock weather widget on the homescreen. In a tutorial, Talk user "prozac786" shows how to create one on Maemo 5, using the Queen BeeCon widget manager system: Since there have been a lot of requests and demands for this and the current instructions aren't exactly clear for the basic user to understand, I made a simplified guide on how to get the HTC style Flip Clock/Weather Widget for your N900. This guide is based on my personal experiences yesterday, and literally yesterday I had no idea on how to create this widget, but now I have done it!

Sygic's "Aura" maps update not coming to Maemo

Another casualty of Nokia's faltering and unclear corporate strategy when it comes to all things Maemo and MeeGo, Sygic has announced they wont be releasing their free 3D GPS navigation application Aura for Maemo: We developed our app for Maemo because at that time it seemed that Maemo is going to be a big market. If we knew from the beginning that the OS will stop at one phone, we may have decided not to develop for Maemo at all. [...] We ported Aura to Maemo but decided not to deliver it. Delivering an app to customers is for us a long term commitment to work on the app, to improve it over time. We do sell Mobile Maps for Maemo still because we think the app is of decent quality. Aura has been developed as a new app from the scratch and we may need a few updates to stabilize it. This would consume a lot of resources internally. [...] We are humble developers, we have to adapt... and not hurt customers in the process. For this reason, rather no Aura for Maemo than a half developed one. Although disappointing for those of us who elected to to buy into and support Nokia's open source adventures, it's hardly a surprising result of the recent business decisions, and certainly not something we can blame the developer for.

Updates to NewsFlow - multi-platform Google Reader client

Tommi Laukkanen is producing an increasing number of cross-platform applications, with TwimGo, Kasvopus and NewsFlow. This time it's NewsFlow which gets an update: Good way to start Easter holidays is to write few lines of Qt/QML/JavaScript. Now I spent some time with the NewsFlow app, which is a Google Reader client for Symbian, Maemo and MeeGo devices. Other features in this release include sharing to Facebook/Twitter; improved N900 integration, and UI improvements for unread items.

The app, for Symbian and Maemo, is downloadable from Tommi's Forum Nokia page.


Status and plans for

The developer portal for MeeGo,, went live in beta at the end of last year, but hasn't yet gone live officially. Dawn Foster announced plans for the portal and the MeeGo 1.2 release on MeeGo-community: After further discussions with Bob Spencer, Quim, Ronan, Mike Shaver and others, we thought that it would be better not to launch with the 1.1 MeeGo SDK content, since we are closing in on the 1.2 SDK release.

Quick fixes for impressive QML performance gains

"elpuri" has explained how you can simply improve the performance of Qt Quick applications by preventing unnecessary redraws of backgrounds: Most mobile QML UIs (at least the stuff I’ve done and seen other people doing) explicitly paint every pixel on the screen. By that I mean that the QML scene has a set of elements which cover all of the pixels inside the QDeclarativeView in all situations. For example if your root element is a Rectangle, you’re painting every pixel.Guess what? You’re likely painting them twice (or maybe even three times) and I’m not talking about overlapping elements. Before the QDeclarativeView (which is a QWidget) paints all of your QML elements in back to front order, it also paints the whole area with a background brush! He posts the code snippet necessary, and details some of the issues involved in dealing with earlier Symbian devices.

Systemd for MeeGo 1.3

Auke Kok has started a thread explaining the transition, for MeeGo 1.3, from sysvinit to systemd. These technologies control the initialisation of the system from boot to the UI, and so the transition needs to be managed carefully. I'm happy to announce that work has started to integrate and convert MeeGo from sysvinit to systemd. This has some major implications for anyone working with MeeGo Core/Base, so this is a little heads-up e-mail The main perceived benefit is an architectural one: instead of hardcoded dependencies (for example, networking might depend on a USB 3G dongle being initialised), they are automatically managed. Previously, MeeGo architects at Intel have been critical about the performance such systems can give, though, as carefully optimising an explicit dependency set can lead to better optimisations and faster boots.

The most notable thing, though, is that this is the latest in a series of open and well-explained architectural decision emails; something which is a marked (and laudible) shift from MeeGo in the past.

Submit your apps for a UX makeover

We covered Andrew Zhilin's proposed presentation for the upcoming SF MeeGo Conference a few issues ago, but for those of you who missed it: Since I’m not a big fan of boring lectures, tribunes or formal declarations of any kind, I’d like to introduce new format for my talk at the San Francisco conference, which, in my opinion, suits the idea of open collaborating community much better. I want those of you, who want their application to be re-designed in a fancy way, to send me links and descriptions of your work and I’ll do it not only for free (as always :), but using techniques that I’ll be talking about on stage. And I’ll use your particular application to show things in real world. So if you're working on an application you'd like some expert help on the UI with, then get it submitted.


Italian MeeGo Day in March a success

The Italian MeeGo community got together on 18th March to hold a "MeeGo Day" at the University of Bologna: The first Italian MeeGo Day was truly a success! A successful public interventions, curiosity, questions and experiences. E' stata una piacevolissima avventura che ha soddisfatto tutti i nostri partecipanti: possiamo quindi affermare con sicurezza che questo primo esperimento che abbiamo tentato di fare, chiamato MeeGo Italian Day, è stato un esperimento riuscitissimo. It 'was a pleasant adventure which has met all of our participants: we can therefore say with confidence that this first experiment we tried to do, called MeeGo Italian Day, was a very successful experiment.

Cambridge MeeGo Meeting, April 20th

The Cambridge MeeGo network held a meeting last Wednesday at the Clown's Cafe in Cambridge. martin brook said: After the doom and gloom of the February announcement I think things are moving on a pace with MeeGo with the N900 Developer Edition, Tablet Ux projects, Intel AppUp program and the new members joining the various working groups.

Cheap hotels for San Francisco MeeGo Conference

For those of you not applying for sponsorship, or etxeding your stay beyond the sponsored nights, Sivan Greenberg has started a thread on MeeGo-community looking for cheap hotels in the SF bay area: I was wondering if anybody has already booked rooms for periods before and after the conference? Since this is a very very very long flight for me, I wish to extend my stay. Do we have anything on the wiki for that? I am going to try and check the procedure to extend nights at the regency but my guess it is going to be very expensive. If you can recommend a hotel, please check out the mailing list thread.

San Francisco MeeGo Conference travel visas

For those of you travelling to SF from overseas in need of visas, Brian Warner has posted a notice to the MeeGo-community list: Just a reminder, if you need a visa for the upcoming event, please send me the information noted on this page along with a scan of your passport. As these things tend to take time to process (government workers and all) it's probably best to get it out of the way as soon as possible. certificates expiring, again

It's April, baseball has just kicked off, summer's getting closer, the school year is nearing its end, and's security certificate has just expired. After a prod, Ferenc Szekely writes, The certificate was on the server, we just forgot to install it. Sorry for the downtime.


News on MeeGo Developer Edition for N900

Carsten Munk and Jukka Eklund have updated and maemo-developers on the MeeGo Developer Editiion for N900: Target is to make a Developer Edition of MeeGo for the Nokia N900 device. Flashed with this edition N900 will be usable as a primary phone device for a developer/hacker person. This is not efor regular Maemo 5 end users. The focus is on meeting the non-functional targets (such as performance) rather than number of features. This will hopefully encourage more people to use MeeGo on N900, and continue enhancing the functionality or build new stuff. Developer Edition is based on MeeGo 1.2 trunk content. Images are now available for testing. Details in the post.


SpiderOak online storage client for N900

SpiderOak is gaining popularity as an end-to-end secure, "zero knowledge" system synchronisation service like Dropbox. With Dropbox revealing that they can (and have) decrypted users' information to comply with the authorities, SpiderOak's promise of "it's encrypted on your machine and sent to ours - we know neither the key nor your password" is appealing to geeks; both security conscious and not. As an "Easter" present, they've unveiled a client for Maemo 5: We know many of you are open-source enthusiasts like we are, and some of you own a Nokia N900 Linux-Phone like I do. Nokia might forget us, however we didn't. [...] The client is written in 100% pure python, includes source code and uses our web-api. It might also give you a good starting point if you want to develop a SpiderOak-Application on your own. Your editor has started using the desktop client, and it seems easy enough to use; but not yet tried the Maemo client.

The first link below is for the Maemo 5 client; the second is a referral sign-up which should gain you an extra gigabyte of free storage (bringing the total to 3GB free, with extra storage being available to purchase).

Conky Layout Switcher

{uesr:helex} has released an alpha version of his Layout Switcher for Conky, a comprehensive system overview application: This Application makes it possible to switch your Conky status Monitor fast and live between 4 Layouts - depending of your current use case (general, system load, Network Traffic and Disk usage) As it's only an alpha release, and the software is in Extras-devel, care should be taken.