Italian MeeGo Day in March a success
The Italian MeeGo community got together on 18th March to hold a "MeeGo Day" at the University of Bologna: The first Italian MeeGo Day was truly a success! A successful public interventions, curiosity, questions and experiences. E' stata una piacevolissima avventura che ha soddisfatto tutti i nostri partecipanti: possiamo quindi affermare con sicurezza che questo primo esperimento che abbiamo tentato di fare, chiamato MeeGo Italian Day, è stato un esperimento riuscitissimo. It 'was a pleasant adventure which has met all of our participants: we can therefore say with confidence that this first experiment we tried to do, called MeeGo Italian Day, was a very successful experiment.
Cambridge MeeGo Meeting, April 20th
The Cambridge MeeGo network held a meeting last Wednesday at the Clown's Cafe in Cambridge. martin brook said: After the doom and gloom of the February announcement I think things are moving on a pace with MeeGo with the N900 Developer Edition, Tablet Ux projects, Intel AppUp program and the new members joining the various working groups.
Cheap hotels for San Francisco MeeGo Conference
For those of you not applying for sponsorship, or etxeding your stay beyond the sponsored nights, Sivan Greenberg has started a thread on MeeGo-community looking for cheap hotels in the SF bay area: I was wondering if anybody has already booked rooms for periods before and after the conference? Since this is a very very very long flight for me, I wish to extend my stay. Do we have anything on the wiki for that? I am going to try and check the procedure to extend nights at the regency but my guess it is going to be very expensive. If you can recommend a hotel, please check out the mailing list thread.
San Francisco MeeGo Conference travel visas
For those of you travelling to SF from overseas in need of visas, Brian Warner has posted a notice to the MeeGo-community list: Just a reminder, if you need a visa for the upcoming event, please send me the information noted on this page along with a scan of your passport. As these things tend to take time to process (government workers and all) it's probably best to get it out of the way as soon as possible. certificates expiring, again
It's April, baseball has just kicked off, summer's getting closer, the school year is nearing its end, and's security certificate has just expired. After a prod, Ferenc Szekely writes, The certificate was on the server, we just forgot to install it. Sorry for the downtime.