In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • Forum <-> Email integration for
  2. Applications
    • Treemaker game ported from Symbian for Harmattan
    • JanKenPon game pre-release available for Harmattan testing
    • Non-official build of Fennec for MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan
    • Space Invaders for Harmattan
    • Aerofy streaming media client for Harmattan: coming soon
  3. Development
    • Wanting to contribute a fix to Picasa sharing service - but where are the sources?
    • Box2D and Box2D-QML for Harmattan
    • Porting Fremantle applications to Harmattan
    • ...and 4 more
  4. Community
    • Harmattan IRC channel on FreeNode: #harmattan
    • What is a community device champion?
  5. Devices
    • Relaxing Harmattan security restrictions on unsigned executables
  6. In the Wild
    • Nokia N9 ad series: quick, simple, slick
  7. Announcements
    • Icon pack to get Harmattan look on N900
    • Screenshot app for Harmattan

Front Page

Forum <-> Email integration for

One of the original requirements for the software powering was that it allowed offline participation, preferably through people's normal email clients. Reggie Suplido, who manages, suggested that vBulletin allowed this; but activation of the feature was delayed because of the potential load on the server.

With the MeeGo IT team now managing the upgraded servers, the discussion about enabling the feature has moved on. After a few prods from Andrew Flegg and David Greaves, Reggie has started a thread on how it would work, and the potential limitations: I'm starting this thread to discuss the Forum <-> Email Integration that has been planned for quite some time now. This was recently brought up on the July 12, 2011 Community Office Meeting (starting at the 14:49:47 mark). This might be the best time to discuss if we really want these features, what really needs to be implemented, propose features, and help with the coding and testing.

The IT team took this weekend's maintenance window to create the necessary aliases, so hopefully we'll see a trialling of the feature shortly.


Treemaker game ported from Symbian for Harmattan

Treemaker is a game for Symbian, which has had an initial Harmattan port by its developers. On Ovi Store, the game is described as: Travel your way through three different worlds, harness the power of physics with ropes and help the creatures get their trees back! Treemaker offers the finest 3d graphics quality and performance. At 41MB in size, this is one of the largest Harmattan applications currently available. In the interests of education, your editor gave it a go - and it is, indeed, very polished and smooth.

JanKenPon game pre-release available for Harmattan testing

Wesley Chong has ported his rock-paper-scissors game from Maemo to Harmattan: JanKenPon is my first application for Maemo and I recently ported it to Meego 1.2 Harmattan for N9/N950. I'm requesting testing of this application in a real device. Please drop me comments after you used/tested this application. Binary-only packages should, of course, be treated with care - especially when developers are starting out on a new platform.

Non-official build of Fennec for MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan

"Fennec" (aka "Firefox for Mobile") is seen in some of the N9 demo videos; however developers with early access to the N950 had no version of it yet available. A couple of builds have been publicised on Problems with installation can be bypassed by using "dpkg --force-all". However, in your editor's experience this resulted in the icon being marked as "unavailable" and requiring "re-installation" after a couple of days.

Space Invaders for Harmattan

Adam Pigg has released an initial Space Invaders game for Harmattan. The game, tested by your editor, is a fun (if a little loud) accelerometer controlled version of the classic game. As with the other binary debs being distributed for Harmattan, care should be taken.

Aerofy streaming media client for Harmattan: coming soon

Aerofy is a "Subsonic" client for Harmattan. Subsonic is an open source system for streaming your own music collection (a la Google Music or iCloud): Subsonic is a free, web-based media streamer, providing ubiquitous access to your music. Use it to share your music with friends, or to listen to your own music while at work. You can stream to multiple players simultaneously, for instance to one player in your kitchen and another in your living room. Apparently Aerofy is awaiting icons before it will be released.


Wanting to contribute a fix to Picasa sharing service - but where are the sources?

Damien Caliste wants to get hold of the sources to the Picasa sharing service plugin, so he can fix a bug that comes from the fact that the wifi Internet provider is using IPV6 resolution for while the N900 is not using IPV6 by default. Where can I find the sources of this plugin ? The ones on garage are outdated and don't have the album support, while the package on OVI has the album support but I can't find the sources. On the issue itself, Tero Niemelä - the project owner - says he can bundle together a new version with the proposed fix.

Box2D and Box2D-QML for Harmattan

Michael Sheldon has just built some Box2D and Box2D-QML packages for Harmattan. The Box2D-QML package is especially interesting, this wraps the Box2D API as QObjects allowing them to be made use of directly from within QML. So you don’t need any extra C++ to handle physics simulation for simple games or similar. His video shows how easy it is to produce a Qt Quick application which uses a realistic physics engine.

Porting Fremantle applications to Harmattan

Ruediger Gad has started a page on the wiki containing a rough overview of some steps the authors (see the history for a complete list of contributors) found helpful on migrating an existing Fremantle Application to Harmattan. Feedback, comments, corrections etc. are highly appreciated! The page covers detecting Harmattan, using Qt & Scratchbox SDKs and converting your user interface to QML.

Collection of low-level N900 information

Jonathan Wilson has consolidated the various pieces of information he, and others, have found. He has created a page in the wiki with links to all the relavent information I (and others) have found/collected/figured out regarding various bits (especially binary closed bits) of the N900 Fremantle software. If you have anything else relavent for the wiki page, feel free to update it. (maybe someone else knows of some hidden gems that may help :)

Qt Creator 2.3 beta released

Qt Labs have announced a beta version of the next version of Qt Creator, the IDE component of the Qt & MeeGo SDKs: We are happy to announce the release of the first beta of the new upcoming Qt Creator version 2.3. This time we got one big contribution again, namely lots of fixes to the support of the Bazaar version control system. A big Thank You to Hugues Delorme aka ‘cerf’ for that! Also many thanks to all the other contributors: all in all we integrated 47 external merge requests into 2.3. A more complete overview of the changes are provided in the release notes.

QtZibit - Exhibit on MeeGo

Niels Mayer demonstrates "Exhibit" which allows web applications to render arbitrary data from QML, Qt or Qt Mobility: With QtZibit, such apps could run locally (although the google-map-based ones require an internet connection, the timeline, timeplot, chart, visualizations don't). These can run "standalone" and the associated JavaScript is loaded in from the local filesystem, computed in QML/JavaScript/C++ or transferred from the web or local SQL datastore. QtZibit can be used to visualize arbitrary datamodels from JSON in QML, and in-turn, this JSON can be rendered via QtWebKit in Exhibit. In many ways, it duplicates or complements the "delegate"-based rendering of datamodels in Qt/QML, but uses Web-based layouts and rendering. With a suite of examples, QtZibit is certainly an interesting concept.

Modified Hildon Desktop demonstrates portrait support

Tomasz Pieniazek has published a binary package version of hildon-desktop which supports portrait orientation for the Maemo 5 home screens. As it is still in development, and a binary only package which has to be manually installed as root, care should be taken - especially as a broken hildon-desktop will require a reflash to recover for most users. Tomasz is planning on submitting a merge request so that his work can be included in the Maemo 5 Community SSU.


Harmattan IRC channel on FreeNode: #harmattan

A new IRC channel has been created on the FreeNode IRC network to discuss Harmattan topic (i.e. the OS, the N950 and N9). #harmattan fits alongside #maemo and #meego which both are home to some conversations on Harmattan, but sometimes at the expense of other topics.

What is a community device champion?

Randall Arnold explains more about the MeeGo Community Device Program, and what it now needs - device champions. A "device champion" is any community member passionate enough to act as a volunteer focal point for platforms or individual devices. That means researching, blogging, presenting, forum posting, leading discussions on email lists, and any similar highly visible activity in the community space. Platform or device champions need not be a subject matter expert or developer but should always be willing to help find one. Note that a Champion may or not be a Recipient. This not an elected or selected position; if you want to help, just do it!


Relaxing Harmattan security restrictions on unsigned executables

Michael Muth has started a thread discussing how one, as a developer, can work around the Harmattan security framework - Aegis: I have the first big problem with my new toy. It seems it is because of the "security framework": I created at /home/user/cppTest using vi a *.sh file. I made it executable using chmod and all I got after I tried to execute it was this: "operation not permitted" Discussion includes how to change Aegis' policy to allow more relaxed execution of files.

In the Wild

Nokia N9 ad series: quick, simple, slick

A series of short, 9 second, videos have been released to advertise the Nokia N9. Within the videos are also twenty secret codes, the first person to find each and enter it at a website will win an N9.

Be warned, it's an infuriating process and likely to consume more time than you intended.


Icon pack to get Harmattan look on N900

alfiansyah rahman has produced an icon set to make Maemo 5 look more like Harmattan (and Symbian Anna). The package is available in Extras-devel and, as it modifies core system files, some care should be taken.

Screenshot app for Harmattan

Although there is a sample application on the N950 which allows the taking of screenshots, and the Ctrl-Shift-P technique from Maemo 5 continues, neither of these will work on the keyboardless N9. Sampo Savola has released a small application to fill the gap: I could not find good screenshot tool for Harmattan so one night I coded small qt-components application that will do the job. User can set the delay before the screenshot is taken.Screenshots will be saved to MyDocs and screenshots can be taken in both portrait and landscape orientation. Application will make the device vibrate when the screenshot is taken.