Wanting to contribute a fix to Picasa sharing service - but where are the sources?
Damien Caliste wants to get hold of the sources to the Picasa sharing service plugin, so he can fix a bug that comes from the fact that the wifi Internet provider is using IPV6 resolution for google.com while the N900 is not using IPV6 by default. Where can I find the sources of this plugin ? The ones on garage are outdated and don't have the album support, while the package on OVI has the album support but I can't find the sources. On the issue itself, Tero Niemelä - the project owner - says he can bundle together a new version with the proposed fix.
Box2D and Box2D-QML for Harmattan
Michael Sheldon has just built some Box2D and Box2D-QML packages for Harmattan. The Box2D-QML package is especially interesting, this wraps the Box2D API as QObjects allowing them to be made use of directly from within QML. So you don’t need any extra C++ to handle physics simulation for simple games or similar. His video shows how easy it is to produce a Qt Quick application which uses a realistic physics engine.
Porting Fremantle applications to Harmattan
Ruediger Gad has started a page on the meego.com wiki containing a rough overview of some steps the authors (see the history for a complete list of contributors) found helpful on migrating an existing Fremantle Application to Harmattan. Feedback, comments, corrections etc. are highly appreciated! The page covers detecting Harmattan, using Qt & Scratchbox SDKs and converting your user interface to QML.
Collection of low-level N900 information
Jonathan Wilson has consolidated the various pieces of information he, and others, have found. He has created a page in the maemo.org wiki with links to all the relavent information I (and others) have found/collected/figured out regarding various bits (especially binary closed bits) of the N900 Fremantle software. If you have anything else relavent for the wiki page, feel free to update it. (maybe someone else knows of some hidden gems that may help :)
Qt Creator 2.3 beta released
Qt Labs have announced a beta version of the next version of Qt Creator, the IDE component of the Qt & MeeGo SDKs: We are happy to announce the release of the first beta of the new upcoming Qt Creator version 2.3. This time we got one big contribution again, namely lots of fixes to the support of the Bazaar version control system. A big Thank You to Hugues Delorme aka ‘cerf’ for that! Also many thanks to all the other contributors: all in all we integrated 47 external merge requests into 2.3. A more complete overview of the changes are provided in the release notes.
QtZibit - simile-widgets.org Exhibit on MeeGo
Niels Mayer demonstrates "Exhibit" which allows web applications to render arbitrary data from QML, Qt or Qt Mobility: With QtZibit, such apps could run locally (although the google-map-based ones require an internet connection, the timeline, timeplot, chart, visualizations don't). These can run "standalone" and the associated JavaScript is loaded in from the local filesystem, computed in QML/JavaScript/C++ or transferred from the web or local SQL datastore. QtZibit can be used to visualize arbitrary datamodels from JSON in QML, and in-turn, this JSON can be rendered via QtWebKit in Exhibit. In many ways, it duplicates or complements the "delegate"-based rendering of datamodels in Qt/QML, but uses Web-based layouts and rendering. With a suite of examples, QtZibit is certainly an interesting concept.
Modified Hildon Desktop demonstrates portrait support
Tomasz Pieniazek has published a binary package version of hildon-desktop which supports portrait orientation for the Maemo 5 home screens. As it is still in development, and a binary only package which has to be manually installed as root, care should be taken - especially as a broken hildon-desktop will require a reflash to recover for most users. Tomasz is planning on submitting a merge request so that his work can be included in the Maemo 5 Community SSU.