In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • Estel deselected as Council chair; discussions on legal entity
    • Migrating to community-driven infrastructure
  2. Community
    • Council blog now syndicated to maemo-community mailing list
  3. In the Wild
    • Rumours of RIM moving from (just) BlackBerry 10 to include Windows Phone 8

Front Page

Estel deselected as Council chair; discussions on legal entity

Editor: Andrew Flegg

In the Community Council meeting on Friday, the three members of the council in attendance (Craig Woodward, Niel Nielsen, RM Bauer) removed Piotr Jawidzyk as chair of the current council, and will discuss a replacement between themselves this week. Piotr, of course, remains a member of the council; but it seems the rest of the council decided to act after "confrontational" discussions with the community, often in light of the concern regarding the council awarding Community Awards' devices to themselves. In introducing the matter, Craig - as secretary - said: I think one clear item that has been agreed on in general is that Estel_ has been a bit harsher than most of us would like in recent dealings w/ the community.

There have been calls, by at least 3 Council now in as many weeks, for his removal as chair. Given that Estel has expressed he was willing to give up chair if Council agreed on the matter (see June 8th minutes) I propose we take such a vote, if not this meeting than next.

Other issues discussed in the meeting included potential resolutions to the "firestorm"; community OBS, and the servers on which they run; and moving to a "self-sustaining" legal entity.

The last item is particularly interesting, slthough it isn't clear exactly what the role and scope of this entity would be.

Migrating to community-driven infrastructure

Editor: Ryan Abel

Part of the potential fallout from the layoffs and project reduction at Nokia is likely to be the cancellation of funding for This is likely to happen sooner rather than later given that is on a 6-month contract period (currently through Nemein). Discussion about transitioning to a community-driven infrastructure when Nokia funding is removed is ongoing on both the community mailing list and on Talk.Given the wide range of services provided by and the cost of servers, let alone the labor to keep them running, any viable plan is likely to require the shutting down or migration of the resource intensive services (like the autobuilder).


Council blog now syndicated to maemo-community mailing list

Editor: Andrew Flegg

Through the efforts of Craig Woodward, Graham Cobb and one of your editors (Andrew Flegg), the Community Council blog is now automatically posted to the maemo-community mailing list. The blog is already syndicated to the Community forum on, a process put in place by Andrew Flegg and Reginald Stadlbauer a few years ago. This therefore completes the integration of the various communication mechanisms.

In the Wild

Rumours of RIM moving from (just) BlackBerry 10 to include Windows Phone 8

Editor: Andrew Flegg

RIM's recent roadshow touting the benefits of its future Qt-based "BlackBerry 10" OS took a hit this week, after announcements from RIM revealed that the new OS (and devices running it) would be delayed until next year. Given BB10's user interface seemed inspired by the swipe-based gestures of Harmattan, and its reliance on Qt as a development platform, BlackBerry 10 seemed like a logical progression for many developers and users of Maemo and MeeGo. The suggestion of Microsoft coming in and spoiling another community's hopes and plans led some on Twitter to claim this was your editor's "necrotic touch".

This touch must be speeding up, as 14 years in the Acorn comunity, 6 years in the Psion community, 5 years of Maemo (and 18 months of MeeGo) led to only 2 weeks of interest in BlackBerry 10 before the rumours of it being a dead-end surfaced!