Rumours of RIM moving from (just) BlackBerry 10 to include Windows Phone 8
Editor: Andrew Flegg
RIM's recent roadshow touting the benefits of its future Qt-based "BlackBerry 10" OS took a hit this week, after announcements from RIM revealed that the new OS (and devices running it) would be delayed until next year. Given BB10's user interface seemed inspired by the swipe-based gestures of Harmattan, and its reliance on Qt as a development platform, BlackBerry 10 seemed like a logical progression for many developers and users of Maemo and MeeGo. The suggestion of Microsoft coming in and spoiling another community's hopes and plans led some on Twitter to claim this was your editor's "necrotic touch".
This touch must be speeding up, as 14 years in the Acorn comunity, 6 years in the Psion community, 5 years of Maemo (and 18 months of MeeGo) led to only 2 weeks of interest in BlackBerry 10 before the rumours of it being a dead-end surfaced!