In this edition...

  1. Front Page
    • Nokia's funding for is ending: call for donations
    • Talk donated to Hildon Foundation
    • Nokia Store losing billing support on N9 in China
  2. Applications
    • Rocket Twitter client for Harmattan updated to 0.0.4
  3. Development
    • Cyclotron tool for cycling between open applications on Harmattan
  4. Community
    • Hildon Foundation website launched
    • Hildon Foundation board minutes for December 8th
    • Community Council meeting minutes for November 30th and December 7th
  5. Devices
    • Users experiencing update and Ovi Store problems on N900 due to expired key

Front Page

Nokia's funding for is ending: call for donations

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Andrew Flegg

Council member, Joerg Reisenweber has announced a need for donations to keep all of running as Nokia step back from support: I have to inform all of you that we're approaching a critical date for all of us: Nokia is about to stop funding our infrastructure and board and council are busy to establish a new set of servers to run all the bits we need to continue with our daily maemo-life. First impact is on this very forum, which we need to either move to a new server until end of the year, or as a last resort find some 500 bucks to buy one more month of operation on the old one, until we established the move end of January then. There are other expenses the board is facing right now to ensure a smooth continuation of services like repositories, wiki, whatnot else.

There are many facets to's infrastructure, from the website itself (running on Midgard); Talk (running on vBulletin); the wiki (running on Mediawiki); Garage (home to many projects, including MWKN, running on GForge); the autobuilder and Extras (and the testing infrastructure for them) any many other aspects.

Despite facing a critical time at the moment, your editor expects the financial situation for to be one of the ongoing stories of 2013. Talk donated to Hildon Foundation

Via: @Jaffa2

Editor: Andrew Flegg

With the other changes to the infrastructure, Reggie Suplido is stepping down as TMO administrator, and handing it over to the Hildon Foundation. In the announcement, Council, and Board, member Ivan Galvez Junquera said:

The Internet Tablet Talk first and TMO later, have been the glue for this amazing community that we have, providing an efficient way of communication between developers and end users, not just a place for discussion and comments.

Reggie has been the administrator and owner of forums since the very beginning, and thanks to him a lot has been accomplished. However, now that Nokia is stopping activities around Maemo and Meego, continuation of forums was at risk.

Reggie is stepping down as TMO administrator at the start of 2013, and is handing over the database to the Foundation. This means a new administrator is needed, and running costs managed by the more constrained finances.

The discussion also veered into open source replacements for the vBulletin system on which it currently runs. Although ultimately a sensible move, in your editor's opinion, now is not the time for that. At the moment, continuity of service is required whilst alternatives - and trusted people willing to put in the effort to perform the migration - are properly investigated and weighed up.

Nokia Store losing billing support on N9 in China

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Talk user "rzr" reported on an email he received last week from Nokia: Recently we are going to deploy an upgrade of store billing to improve the billing in China, but unfortunately as a side effect of this, we will lose billing support on N9, which means content on N9 can’t be billed in China anymore. If developers wish to continue shipping their Harmattan applications in China they'll need to publish them in free versions.

We'll likely be hearing more and similar stories like this over the coming months and years as Nokia's support for Harmattan really screetches to a halt.


Rocket Twitter client for Harmattan updated to 0.0.4

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Ryan Abel

Webpoint Studio has updated Rocket, their Twitter client for Harmattan, to 0.0.4. Changes include geolocation-based tweets, event feed integration, user profile banner images, URL shortener preview support, additional upload services, and various bug fixes. Rocket can be downloaded from the Nokia Store for $1.99.

Your editor purchase Rocket last week and is happy to report it's significantly faster than the official Twitter client.


Cyclotron tool for cycling between open applications on Harmattan

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Thomas Perl, the endless source of neat hacks and applications that he is, has released a new tool for cycling applications in Harmattan: Cycle between running applications in MeeGo Harmattan, despite the closedness of the mcompositor swipeplugin (I'd so love to make it so that swiping apps left/right would switch between running apps, like on webOS or even Blackberry Playbook OS). Not yet sure how to best integrate this (using the volume buttons is just for demo purposes - ideally we'd use some touch screen gesture thingie).

Thomas provides source and example binaries, but tighter integration requires replacing system libraries which could leave you risking a reflash.


Hildon Foundation website launched

Via: @GeneralAntilles

Editor: Andrew Flegg

The Hildon Foundation, the non-profit organisation taking over from Nokia to run Maemo's infrastructure, have launched their website - with a very nice picture from the first Maemo Summit in Berlin. Announcing the launch, Tim Samoff - the chair of the Foundation - also provided a central link to donate to the community: We'd like to take a minute to unveil the new Hildon Foundation website. As you'll see, there is a fairly easy way to donate to the Hildon Foundation and the Maemo Community.

Hildon Foundation board minutes for December 8th

Editor: Andrew Flegg

The minutes from the most recent Hildon Foundation board meeting have been posted. Topics include:

* fund raising and finances;

* Randall Arnold leaving the Board of Directors, and Tim Samoff becoming Chair;

* Council appointment process;

* Maemo Community Administrator;

* Nemein handover/continuation

Community Council meeting minutes for November 30th and December 7th

Via: @Jaffa2

Alexander Kozhevnikov has posted the minutes for the two most recent council meetings: This post contains the meeting minutes for both the 2012-11-30 and the 2012-12-07 meetings. As the person responsible for preparing these minutes and posting them in a timely manner, I apologize to the community for falling behind on them these last two weeks. It is worth noting that since these meetings took place, there has been discussion on the TMO infrastructure topic, both internally and visibly to the community through Board posts, and probably to some extent forum discussion. So the bullets regarding TMO infrastructure issues do not necessarily reflect the latest information by any means.

Topics discussed include:

* administration and infrastructure;

* General infrastructure including services trimming and removal of autobuilders for platforms older than Diablo;

* Wiki infrastructure issues discussion;

* No communication from Nokia and no progress on Community Council devices issue;

* Initial discussion of the idea of using the Nexus 7 as a Maemo Reference Device


Users experiencing update and Ovi Store problems on N900 due to expired key

Pali Rohár has highlighted that an expired GPG key for is causing problems for N900 users: We have big problem with repositories. Two months ago GPG key for expired and Hildon Application Manager refusing to install or reinstall packages from these repositories. Part of is OTA and OVI Store repository. This means that OVI Store not working anymore and OTA updates (from PR1.1 or PR1.2) to PR1.3.1 not working too. Ivan Galvez Junquera has notified Nokia.