Hildon Foundation website launched
Via: @GeneralAntilles
Editor: Andrew Flegg
The Hildon Foundation, the non-profit organisation taking over from Nokia to run Maemo's infrastructure, have launched their website - with a very nice picture from the first Maemo Summit in Berlin. Announcing the launch, Tim Samoff - the chair of the Foundation - also provided a central link to donate to the community: We'd like to take a minute to unveil the new Hildon Foundation website. As you'll see, there is a fairly easy way to donate to the Hildon Foundation and the Maemo Community.
Hildon Foundation board minutes for December 8th
Editor: Andrew Flegg
The minutes from the most recent Hildon Foundation board meeting have been posted. Topics include:
* fund raising and finances;
* Randall Arnold leaving the Board of Directors, and Tim Samoff becoming Chair;
* Council appointment process;
* Maemo Community Administrator;
* Nemein handover/continuation
Community Council meeting minutes for November 30th and December 7th
Via: @Jaffa2
Alexander Kozhevnikov has posted the minutes for the two most recent council meetings: This post contains the meeting minutes for both the 2012-11-30 and the 2012-12-07 meetings. As the person responsible for preparing these minutes and posting them in a timely manner, I apologize to the community for falling behind on them these last two weeks. It is worth noting that since these meetings took place, there has been discussion on the TMO infrastructure topic, both internally and visibly to the community through Board posts, and probably to some extent forum discussion. So the bullets regarding TMO infrastructure issues do not necessarily reflect the latest information by any means.
Topics discussed include:
* talk.maemo.org administration and infrastructure;
* General infrastructure including services trimming and removal of autobuilders for platforms older than Diablo;
* Wiki infrastructure issues discussion;
* No communication from Nokia and no progress on Community Council devices issue;
* Initial discussion of the idea of using the Nexus 7 as a Maemo Reference Device