Extras-devel & -testing are "trunk"; building with PR1.2
Niels Breet has outlined the problems currently being experienced by developers after the Extras autobuilder has been updated to the PR1.2 SDK Some time ago, when I noticed the issues with upcoming PR1.2 and saw the trouble with PR1.1, I tried to find a solution which could be implemented on a short term. The first priority was to protect the repository which is enabled on every device and is used by end-users. Extras will have a fremantle and a fremantle-1.2 repository, so old device users won't see the new dependencies and PR1.2 users will see the correct dependencies. The result is that users of Extras-devel and Extras-testing are experiencing dependency problems for packages being built with the new SDK when trying to install packages on their devices using the current (earlier) release. Niels explains that -devel and -testing should be considered the "trunk" of the repository, whereas Extras has been branched to prevent problems in the end-user facing repository. Without enough time to branch all three repos (and the corresponding web interfaces), this seemed like a good approach at the time. The way forward will depend on how far out PR 1.2 now is as a firmware release.