What is a community space? MeeGo debates
One of the first topics in the new MeeGo webforum centers around the issue of what the community space on forum.meego.com should be called and what, exactly, it will cover. A point about specificity was made earlier, and that's exactly where I'm coming from. True, a Beginner subforum is even more specific for some parts of my proposal but subforums named Chat or General are far from it. Maybe a Beginner subforum is something to consider but without one in place I will focus on what is.
There is a mix of good and not-so-good in the current tmo structure and I would like to think we bring over what works and retool what doesn't. We've seen that General becomes a first-stop dumping ground that keeps moderators busy moving threads to better locations. This alone suggests that having it at the top of the forum is not the best place. Take that with Quim's valid point about landing spots and entry areas and the most logical top subforum should be Community, because that is the focus. And underneath that subforum you include topics that provide 1) an introduction to the purpose of the forum vis-a-vis MeeGo and 2) resources supporting community-oriented activity. The discussion is still ongoing, although nearing consensus, community members interested in shaping the direction of the community space on the MeeGo forums should join in.
2010 Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit in San Francisco this week
The Linux Foundation will be holding a Collaboration Summit in San Francisco this week (April 14th-16th). The Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit is an exclusive, invitation-only summit gathering core kernel developers, distribution maintainers, ISVs, end users, system vendors and other community organizations for plenary sessions and workgroup meetings to meet face-to-face to tackle and solve the most pressing issues facing Linux today. The Summit includes a MeeGo track which both myself (GeneralAntilles) and Randall Arnold will be attending as Maemo Community representatives.
April maemo.org sprint meeting
The April maemo.org sprint IRC meeting was forgone in favor of discussion and reporting on the mailing list and wiki. The IRC meeting became a checklist and a time sink and we have (seemingly) large number of tasks being carried over and not completed. I'm trying to increase the accountability and visibility of the process, and reduce the burden on volunteers. Indeed, I'm awaiting thoughts from Niels and Tero as to further changes in the ownership and the running of the sprint process. Discussion about changes to the sprint process and committed tasks for this month is still underway on the maemo-community mailing list.
MeeGo's Community Working Group tries to define a work queue system
Quim Gil is outlining some of the sprint procedures for the MeeGo Community Working Group. This is a proposal to get our Community WG work documented and prioritized.
Contributors interested in helping to define the working structure for the MeeGo Community Working Group should join the MeeGo Community mailing list and get involved.