Tim Samoff running for Maemo Community Council
Tim Samoff has announced he is standing in the Community Council election: These are important times for our community. Not only are we on the verge of another community conference, but the community dynamic and infrastructure is about to take a dramatic shift. With the advent of Meego, we, as a community, must forge a path in which the community (members new and old) have a say in the future of our development framework and operating system. Enough said. Tim was a member of the first and second Maemo Community Councils.
Ruediger Schiller running for Maemo Community Council
Rüdiger Schiller (chemist) has announced he is standing in the Community Council election: Ruediger is one of the super-moderators on talk.maemo.org.
Cosimo Kroll running for Maemo Community Council
Cosimo Kroll (zehjotkah) has announced he is standing in the Community Council election: My aim for the next six month is to keep the maemo community on talk.maemo.org alive, which won't be a simple task. There is no denying that many will move on to new devices and spend most of their time on meego.com. But there are so many (on t.m.o still not active) N900 users outside, who maybe will need help one day. Therefore I plan to create different new positions and functions around t.m.o. One of the firsts things will be a treasurer and a community PayPal account. Then it would be possible to donate money to that account which will be (for example) spend then to the "developer of the month". The community account will be also useful for future coding competitions like kojacker and I achieved some month ago. These should be organized every six month. Cosimo stood in last year's election.
Andrew Flegg running for Maemo Community Council
Andrew Flegg (Jaffa) has announced he is standing in the Community Council election: The last 6 months have been interesting and challenging for the community, coming as they did after the announcement of the merger of Moblin and Maemo teams at Intel and Nokia and to form MeeGo. The thing I've learned is that Nokia's planning didn't seem to extend to the community and Intel (not having much of a Moblin community) didn't think much of it either. This has resulted in fear, uncertainty and doubt. The new MeeGo community is also making wholly new mistakes, for which we need to bring our extensive experience of maemo.org and the Maemo Community to bear; for example, the ability of community packages to depend on each other. It's also entirely unclear whether meego.com should be the home for MeeGo device discussions, let alone Harmattan or MeeGo-Harmattan HE on N900. Andrew is one of your editors, has served on the first two councils and is the current council chair.
Stephen Gadsby running for Maemo Community Council
Stephen Gadsby (sjgadsby) has accepted Randall Arnold's nomination and is standing in the Community Council election: The time period covered by this next council term promises to be an interesting one. I support the decision not to forcibly merge the maemo.org community into MeeGo. However, even without that, MeeGo already casts a large shadow over our community, and the impending release of a MeeGo (or at least, MeeGo-ish) handset by Nokia promises to draw away an as yet unknown, but potentially large, quantity of people, talent, and resources. Stephen is another super-moderator on talk.maemo.org, and has stood in previous elections.
Felipe Crochik running for Maemo Community Council
Felipe Contreras (felipec) has announced he is standing in the Community Council election: One common complaint I hear about maemo is the supposedly small number of applications. While I don’t agree this is necessary true, it is clear that maemo has failed to attract "commercial" applications. I don’t see why an "open platform" based on open source has necessary to scare off "commercial" applications. One common subject among consumers is how the n900 compares to android and the iphone – the applications available always end up being the most important maemo disadvantage. Also, how many times have you read about how bad/useless the "ovi" store is for maemo?
Robin Burchell running for Maemo Community Council
Robin Burchell (w00t) has announced he is standing in the Community Council election: My primary agenda would be to try to help facilitate Maemo in the context of ongoing and future development, to try to ensure that application developers can smoothly and easily target Maemo as well as MeeGo (and whatever else) through the means of Qt and other technologies, as well as helping educate developers old and new. Robin was the lead developer of facebrick (Maemo's first proper Facebook client) and is a prodigious Qt hacker.
Kathy Smith running for Maemo Community Council
Kathy Smith (RevdKathy) has accepted Randall Arnold's nomination and is standing in the Community Council election: what do I bring? Enthusiasm a-plenty; Willingness to have a go - at most things, including technical stuff with a bit of support; Concern for the 'average bears' in community, which doesn't mean the outspoken angry people demanding stuff on principle, but people who're trying to get the best out of their device with limited tech skills; People and communication skills - including presentation skills if you ever need them, and English language skills; Commitment to bridging maemo and meego - and a determination that us bears of very little brain will still have our own corner in meego somewhere.
Attila Csipa running for Maemo Community Council
Attila Csipa (attila77/achipa} has accepted Randall Arnold's nomination and is standing in the Community Council election: I would like to emphasize once more - barring the financials, it's up to the community where (and in what form) maemo.org will or will not go - and there is no better representative than the Community Council to have a legitimate representation. That's why I would like to see people with a can-do approach on the Council, trying to solve/deal with hot and not too pleasant topics (and I feel the next term will not be in short supply). Remember, anyone can rant, but it takes a special kind of talent to turn discontent into constructive action, and I'm glad the list of candidates is in no shortage of such folks. Attila is a member of the current Council and works at Forum Nokia in a developer support role. He announced his candidacy five minutes before the deadline!