20 September 2010

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Reacting to MeeGo Touch list selections

The MeeGo Touch Framework, the MeeGo-specific API on top of Qt, has had some changes with the way that lists work. In an email to the meego-touch-dev mailing list, Nokia's Sergiy Dubovik describes the changes. In short, a list item itself should handle long tap and report that to MList. It gives a bit more flexibility to list items, since they can decide if they want to show object menu or not. But most important it makes longTap work the same way as "click". If you are not using any base classes provided by framework for list items like MListItem and you use MWidgetsController or MWidget you have to declare "click()" signal and emit when user clicks on your item, MList will find out that you have such a signal and will do the rest for you. Now you need to do the same for long tap. You need to catch long tap gesture and emit longTaped signal. With MTF still being in a rapid state of flux, such changes are inevitable. However, it's good to see such changes being highlighted and discussed openly by Nokia.

RFC - MeeGo connection handling

In a sign of the architecture discussions which (from a Maemo point of view) we'd always hoped would be held publically, Intel's Martin Xu has requested comments on the advanced aspects of connection handling for applications built on top of the MeeGo API: We can not just have all applications going of crazy when ConnMan signals online state. We need to serialize them on low throughput connections. And also the case where we switch from one bearer to another one needs to be signaled. And even the switching should happen nicely serialized in a priority order. Also we might have applications that only care about a specific bearer being active and online. If not they will sleep. Waking them up on every A number of comments were made, and the process - as well as the document itself - is interesting; at least to your editor's architectural eyes.

What's it Like to develop commercial apps for Nokia devices?

Kevin Tofel, of technology enthusiast site GigaOM, spoke to a number of commercial application developers at Nokia World about their thoughts on Nokia's developer offerings: Turning the conversation to Qt [...] I asked if the efficiency gains found in the new platform are as good as Nokia says. A resounding yes was the answer from the half-dozen developers I spoke with. Bob Rosin from Qik, the video sharing app, said, 'Using Qt has cut our development time in half, because we can build one UI in Qt and target both Symbian^3 as well as MeeGo.'

Invitation to Qt Developer days

Quim Gil has invited the development community to come together at two Qt events in October (one in Munich, the other in San Francisco). He says, Qt Developer Days are the main events gathering the Qt developer community every year. These events require a paid registration and target primarily professional developers. However, before the conferences there are 2 days of code.sprints and one day of training. The organization is inviting developers active in the MeeGo community to join these activities. As places are limited, act soon!

New release of PySide (Qt bindings for Python) now in Extras-devel

Python developers wishing to target Maemo, MeeGo and - possibly even Symbian - will be delighted to learn of a new release of PySide into Extras-devel. Matti Airas announced it on Talk, describing the benefits of the bindings: PySide is the Nokia-sponsored Python Qt bindings project, providing access to not only the complete Qt framework but also Qt Mobility, as well as to generator tools for rapidly generating bindings for any Qt-based libraries. If you want to future-proof your Python project in anticipation of Harmattan and MeeGo, PySide is the way to go!