Maemopad+, MaePad and Trophae updated
Thomas Perl brings us another round of application updates this time for Maemopad+, MaePad, and Trophae. The updates include minor (and one major) bugfixes, a few new features (including new translations and a search bar in Maemopad+), and improved packaging. So be sure to test and vote if you're using Extras-devel.
Review of TwimGo, a new Twitter client
A review of TwimGo (the new Qt-WRT client we wrote about last week) has been posted to The Handheld Blog: All in all its the best combination of a great looking UI and functionality among all the Twitter apps available for the N900. To use TwimGo, you need to have Qt Web Runtime on your N900. As TwimGo requires Qt-WRT (which is still in Extras-devel) testers are advised caution before installing it, but for the adventurous among you, you can get TwimGo from the developer's website once you have Qt-WRT installed.