Help verify Qt development example bug
Have you done any Qt development for Maemo? If so, Dave Neary would like your help verifying a bug in the documentation: I'm not set up to even confirm the bug, I'm afraid, so I definitely would appreciate someone doing Qt development on Maemo 5 getting the source code, trying to compile with PR 1.2, confirming the bug, and ideally helping by submitting a patch. Ville Vainio has attached a patch to the issue, but independent verification is always helpful.
Empty Frequencies Finder for use with N900 FM transmitter
Talk user "Blizzard" has released a usable version of his script which allows users to scan for empty frequences which can be used with the FM transmitter: Interestingly, the Silicon Labs Si4713 FM transmitter used in the N900 actually features low-power frequency scanning, but support for it isn't implemented in the drivers available for Maemo 5's current kernel. The script is downloadable from file-sharing site MediaFire. Downloading scripts from such websites should be done with care, although the comparitively simple nature of the script means its functionality can be easily checked.
Creating battery-friendly Qt apps
An article on the Symbian wiki covers coding battery-sensitive applications for both Symbian and Maemo: The goals of this article are to: highlight the key areas of Qt code design where developers can minimise power consumption; give desktop Qt developers an appreciation of the issues to consider when coding for power efficiency. The article does focus on Symbian tools, but the techiniques and prinicples give a good grounding in the problems to all mobile developers and the examples should be applicable on Maemo via either the Qt SDK or Scratchbox.