bugs.maemo.org/id working as URL shortcut
Thomas Perl wrote to Twitter to highlight that bugs.maemo.org now has a shorter, and neater, form for passing around URLs: bugs.maemo.org/<bug-id> is finally a shorthand for viewing bugs on the Maemo Bug tracker. See http://bugs.maemo.org/7107 ;) Bug #7107 was fixed by Ferenc Szekely, following an Apache mod_rewrite rule contribution from Dave Neary. When Thomas raised the bug, he suggested that two possible use cases might be making "bug links in forum posts more readable / easier to remember" and to "allow ad-hoc hand-crafting of URLs in mails/posts/comments/IRC".
Help ensure the MeeGo community (and project) is on the right track
Sivan Greenberg has a session at the MeeGo Conference, but wants to get the opinions of some of the longer serving members of the Maemo, and MeeGo, communities: The session will wrap up with a proposed priorities based on audience's popular demand and host/ developers community moderation. The most proximate concrete outcome of the session will be a transcript and a document that users and developers could reference back to understand our status in the context of the (greater) market, and to get a feel for what's the current trends that development and refinement should go.