New N900 "Easy Debian" image available
alan bruce has announced that the latest image of his "Easy Debian" environment is available: New N900 Easy Debian image available, including the much faster OpenOffice 3.2.1: Just run your Easy Debian installer to get the new image. Those who want to install it from scratch can find it in Extras.
Command-line sharing plugin now in Extras-devel
Tuomas Kulve has ensured that the services plugin which allows sharing content with arbitrary upstream servers (or the execution of any other command against it) has been packaged properly and put in Extras-devel: I reflashed my device and the biggest annoyance after restoring the backup was recompiling the sharing-cli plugin as it was not in any repository. Now it is. It has been working for me for several months without issues, although I’ve been sharing only medium size images over a decent connection. It might not succeed in sharing videos over GPRS. At the time of writing, "sharing-cli" is still only available in Extras-devel, so the usual caveats apply.