Maemo Community Council elections approaching
Somehow the time for another Maemo Community Council election has rolled around again. Tim Samoff writes: Time sort of swept right by us during this term of the Maemo Community Council. The Maemo Community has seen a lot happen within the past six months: MeeGo gained its wings (and then had them proverbially clipped); we watched and attended the first-ever MeeGo Conference in Dublin, Ireland; the CSSU has grown steadily and surely and has been gaining more and more traction with casual users... The overall community psyche has had its fair share of ups and downs to say the least. If anything, Maemo has proven that it can stay active despite everything else that's going on around the open source ecosphere. The timetable outlined has been delayed by the lack of availability of staff to do the database extract of elligible candidates. Niels Breet and Henri Bergius are both travelling, with intermittent connectivity. Hopefully someone at Nemein will be able to perform what Dave Neary describes as a "two-second MySQL query" in their absence.