facebook.com/openmeego is not official MeeGo page
One of the things that Engadget and folks picked up on, following the leak of the Harmattan device teaser, was a Facebook page which looked officially MeeGoish and contained lots of information reinforced by the leaks. This is not the official MeeGo page, and discussion on the meego-community mailing list has led the Linux Foundation to investigate it on trademark grounds.
Microsoft to buy Nokia? Eyebrow-raising rumor of the day
Says Nick Eaton of The Microsoft Blog: The big rumor that’s been spreading across the Interwebs today is that Microsoft is looking to buy Nokia’s mobile division, just three months after the companies announced a partnership and just a week after Microsoft said it will acquire Skype for $8.5 billion. So far, none of these rumours have been substantiated - or even mentioned - during the warm-up sessions at MeeGo Conference. In our opinion, they seem pretty far fetched.