Provide feedback on MeeGo Conference
It's time again to provide feedback about your experience of the 2011 Spring MeeGo Conference To make the next MeeGo conference a success, we are asking attendees to fill out a general survey. You can provide feedback on things like the conference facilities, registration, hacker lounge, evening events, website, warm-up activities, and more.
The overall results will be published for the MeeGo community, but all individual submissions will be kept strictly confidential. Please take a minute to let the conference organisers know how they did.
"MeeGo Pong" (re)naming competition!
The MeeGo Pong team is now seeking a new name: "Mong," a new game that is currently in development for multi-touch MeeGo devices, needs a new name. Unfortunately, "Mong," derived from combinging the words, "MeeGo" and, "Pong," has some negative connotations. Because of this, the Mong developers are holding a (re)naming competition. Entries must be posted to the discussion linked to below by 30 June 2011, 11:59:00 UTC. The winner have their name added to the game credits.
Full video feeds for MeeGo Conference?
A complete feed of the Spring 2011 MeeGo Conference is apparently missing from the Linux Foundation's website for the videos. Currently limited to only the most recently posted "episodes", Niels Mayer is exploring options for retrieving the whole feed. In either case, proper full-length feeds would be a much nicer way for some of us to catch up on all the sessions missed, especially since most media-savvy feed-players can help track what you've watched or get back to where you left off after pausing to watch something else. Can someone at the Linux Foundation fix the MeeGo conference feeds to return the full list, or suggest a way of getting the full list? As there was quite a bit of interesting and useful content presented during the conferences that was missed even by those of us attending, a full feed would be quite useful.
MeeGo Community Office meeting, Tuesday 14th June
The MeeGo Community Office meetings are recommencing, After a long hiatus, the Community Office Meetings are returning and will be held every other Tuesday at 14:00 UTC (7am Pacific) starting on June 14 in the #meego-meeting IRC channel. We've tried several formats for this meeting, but we're moving back to a status update format, since that seemed to work a little better than some of the others. For every meeting, we'll have status updates from key areas within the community office or related projects that have an impact on the community. Most notable on the agenda are the Community Apps update (from Niels Breet) and the proposed nominations for the Technical Steering Group to consider.
It does not appear that this is intended to vet new members of the TSG itself. As some of you may recall from the conference keynote last month, a number of questions were fielded about the vacant TSG spot and possible applicants. Imad Sousou (currently the only member of the TSG) indicated interested applications should put their names forward. As there is no publically documented process for doing so, one of your editors (Andrew Flegg) put his forward on the spot. Although met with humor by Jim Zemlin, your other editor believes this to be an excellent and worthy proposal. Hopefully additional clarity on the process will be gained during the CO meeting this week.
Stskeeps drops out from due to noise & trolls
Carsten Munk, one of the widest-ranging and helpful members of the Maemo community, has decided to turn away from the place most of us started: the Talk forum. Think it's enough by now. And this isn't going to have one of those drama comebacks. I've been on here since a long time, helping out with your devices, problems - and it's stopped being fun. And that's a signal for me that the activity has to end. I've had enough of toxicity. Carsten has made clear that his decision to stop contributing on has nothing to do with Nokia's decisions (either personally or professionally), and he will continue to work on his MeeGo-oriented projects, such as the N900 MeeGo Developer Edition.
In the second link, "gerbick" is also leaving.
This is an ongoing trend as those of us who started in the Maemo community on InternetTabletTalk back in 2005 increasingly less likely that we'll visit TMO on any given day.